Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Cost of Fitness

I just ran to the gym (LA fitness). I didn't go to work out, but to freeze my sessions with the trainer. When you sign up for a trainer there you sign a contract for a year, but you can freeze it if you don't want to use it. So, when I left in Dec. that's what I did. In June my freeze is over and my account will start to be charged, whether I use it or not. So, having decided that I don't want to spend the money on a trainer and would rather pay somethings off, I went in to re-freeze. All went smoothly until they contacted corporate headquarters who told them that a contract can only be frozen for 6months and that I had already used my 6 months. I was unable to freeze my account any longer. I had two options, 1) continue to train with a trainer 2) buy out of my contract. I opted for option number 2. I mean seriously, how much could it cost to opt out of training. The answer....... $1000. Yep, one thousand dollars due immediately. It was so much because I had barely used any of my year contract which had been frozen for 6 of the 8 months that I've had it. I checked the bottom of my purse, and the ash tray in the car for change but there wasn't even $10, let alone $1000. So June 1, I start training again.
Not my plan, although I had gone back and forth about it, but definitely not the worst thing that can happen this summer.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

One more day till pay day!!!!

I get paid tomorrow!!! Normally I'm not rejoicing over or announcing pay day, but tomorrows pay day is especially special. Not only is it the first paycheck I've gotten in the state of PA this year, but it's also the first paycheck I've received in over a month! I was fully aware of this when I decided to switch hospitals meaning a change in pay schedules and to take time off to drive cross country. Praise the Lord- He stretched my limited supply of cash and made it possible to still pay all the bills!!!!!!!

In a sleepy paycheck less moment at work last week, while pondering my budget and speed of debt payment, I decided to be an over achiever and signed up for 30 hours of overtime in the month of June. Yikes!!! (Mom and Dad the check is in the mail.... I mean that figuratively, not literally:-) Since they don't let me work overtime in CA, I guess I should get ahead while I can.

Well friends, I'm off to bed to nap before work. All you NAers have a great time!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Attack of the Killer Pollen

Today I woke up with a major allergy attack. It's the worst I've had in a long long time. My eyes were swollen and itchy, my nose was running and I felt awful. I left my allergy medicine at work so I ran to cvs on my way to the gym to get more. The clerk asked me if I had just woken up because I was barely opening my eyes.... "ummm no mam, I'm buying allergy medicine because I'm having an allergy attack. I've actually been up for a few hours." Now feeling incredibly confident about my appearance, strode into the gym head held high, eyes red and puffy, with a little trickle of snot running done my face. Thank the Lord it is Wed, I only do cardio on Wed, and the gym is all but deserted. I muttled through a mediocre work out before heading to the grocery store, now sporting sweat as well as red eyes and a little snot... not to mention that I was now in an allergy medicine induced stupor in which it takes every thing three times as long to process. "Paper or Plastic?".............."Mam, paper or plastic?" ........ "Excuse me, do you want paper or plastic?"..........that's when I realize that the girl I'm staring at is actually speaking to me.

The rest of my day has been spent trying to find the balance between highly medicated and functional. So far functional is losing. My goal for starting and finishing painting trim in the living room has changed to start and finish painting by Memorial Day. Hope all of you allergy suffers had a better day then I!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Okay, so it's not Monday

I know I promised monday, and it's now tuesday, but tuesday is better than wednesday which is definitely better than thursday. I was hoping to upload pictures of sweet baby Mya and some of Landon learning to ride a bike but am having issues figuring out how to do it on this computer (It's older, much older actually, than the one I use at my parents, so it may be a picture less summer- Julie I was serious when I said I needed your help!)

Anyway- the past several weeks have been busy, hence my lack of blogging. I started work at Lancaster General on May 7th. I wasn't sure how long it was going to be before I ran into to people I knew. I haven't been gone for two years, but the place seems to have doubled in size in both square feet and employees. The first week is always a little nerve racking. There is the HR paper work, IDs and then all the computer training. I was lucky enough to have had it before so it seemed like busy work to me, while the other travelers that started with me struggled through it. Once I got all the HR business out of the way I went up to meet the nurse manager whom I would be working under. The secretary went to get her and out the door walked a friend I used to work with on 5west (Adam- it was Jen Wagner). She shrieked and ran to give me hug. Unfortunately, Jen was only shadowing my nurse manager Val. She was the first in a long long long line of old friends that I saw that day and in the days to come. What I hadn't even thought about until I saw Jen was that most of the people I worked with before I went to the OR haven't seen me since before I started losing weight. Most know who I am, but some have stared at me for awhile with that look that says "I think I know you, but I'm not sure" and have even had to look at my name tag until it clicks.

The crazy thing about starting a job the way I have to start them, pretty much hitting the ground running, is that everyone is sizing you up and deciding if they like you. This weekend a co-worker (who happens to be my neighbor) told me that when asked by the nurse manager what he thought of me, he said "She's unusually stable for a traveler." I chuckled and thought "Glad someone thinks so!!"

Thursday that same week, little Mya was born!!! For those of you who haven't seen her in person, take it from me, she is a BEAUTIFUL little baby (I have pictures to post but my computer illiteracy is getting in the way). She and "Aunt Beth" hang out often. Her best skill to date is that she is a phenomenal listener..... she never interrupts when your pouring your heart out too her, although direct eye contact is asking a little much. Sleeping is a close second on the list, followed by eating of course.

Then, to end an already busy exciting week, my Uncle Phil was here from Africa. I spent that Sat at my grandparents looking at pictures and hearing stories. Some of you have met my uncle when he and my aunt still lived in NY. His excitement can be very contagious. He is always interested in the goings on of lives of all "the gang" that used to go up for the weekend. Ever time I see him he assures me that Africa is waiting for me, that when ever I want to come, for however long I decide to stay, I would be busy.

Last week was spent working and working out (and at the Randolphs). I made my official pilgrimage back to the gym. It took a lot of pep talk (from myself to myself) to get this fanny out the door. On my first day back, I even sat in the car in the parking lot deciding whether I really thought that was the day I should go back (for the record- I DO NOT like to work out. I procrastinate getting dressed for the gym, go to the gas station and buy coffee on my way, sit in the parking lot a drink my coffee, maybe make a few phone calls while I'm sitting in the parking lot drinking my coffee...you get the point. Then about an hour later when I do actually step foot in the gym, I usually spend the first 15 minutes thinking I would rather be dead then on a treadmill..... all that is true, with absolutely no exaggeration). Why do I put myself thru that you ask? The answer, for the feeling I get when I walk out of the gym knowing that I pushed myself farther then I wanted to and at least for that hour and a half, did well for myself.

Even though it's the beginning, this week proves equally as busy. Last night I enjoyed a night of dining and relaxing at my friends the Garners. We ate grilled food (if its grilled it must be good) followed by cookies, ice cream and laughter. Today, Lori, Mya and I were out and about shopping, followed by a visit to the Teeter home. Tonight I was supposed to get together with Jamie but he wasn't feeling well so we rescheduled (feel better soon friend!). Tomorrow I begin (and hopefully finish) painting the trim in the living room before going out for coffee with a friend from work. And then of course it's back to work.

Thats it in a nutshell- next time I won't wait to long to update, and will hopefully have pictures! Good night!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

You know you're a blogging slacker when....

...... Laura tells you it's time to update! Sorry guys, things have been crazy the last two weeks. Little Mya arrived, I started work, my uncle was here from Africa etc...... Unfortunately, I don't have time to update right now either. I'm off to bed to get a nap before I head to work tonight (I work this weekend. I'll be happy when this long stretch of nights is over!!!!). But a real update with picts and all is on my "to do" list for Monday. So check back then:-)

Friday, May 4, 2007

West to East and everything in between

No need to state the obvious here since I've seen most of my blog reading friends, but I'll do it anyway.....I made it back in one piece... no wild eyed truck drivers wielding axes, criminally insane carjackings or the likewise. My four day adventure was actually wonderful! I had prepared myself for what I thought was going to be torture akin someone playing the song "I'm too sexy" for 40 hours but much to my surprise, I was completely wrong. Without someone in the car I actually saw the trip instead of talking my way through it. Let me explain- This is my fourth cross country drive in less then 2 years (crazy huh?) but my other trips I had been happily content in conversation to not pay much attention to the world outside the car. This time, with plenty on my mind and no cell reception, I actually "saw" the trip. It was beautiful! I was completely, utterly blessed by time, space and solitude to process things that need processing when your life is lived without time, space or solitude. (of course I say this with all due respect for my road trip partners Laura and Jamie and it goes without saying that I wouldn't have changed those trips for the world). By the time I hit Ohio though I was ready to be done. The dogs were of course the best road tripping dogs ever. Well- except the day Sid fell into a creek used as a run off for farm waste and was black up to his belly with..... we'll call it "sludge" and I had to hose him off out side of a gas station. I'm amazed at their ability to sleep 24hours a day! I pulled in Wednesday evening to a house filled with balloons and streamers provided by Laura C and Kim R, unloaded, grabbed some sushi (yum-yum) and went to laura's to watch American Idol with her and Kim.

I took this week off to get settled and do somethings to the house. I have busily unpacking, cleaning, gardening, painting, and getting some plumbing done in the bathroom, not to mention running errands with Lori Randolph, or going to the Teeter home for coffee. It feels good to sit- not on my butt, but on the idea of being here. I would be lying if I said that transitioning east or west was easy. Of course, I am me on both coasts, but life looks so different. When I am here I am not with my family. There is no one coming or going, no random bumping into to people, no other presence in the house with whom I can choose to talk to or not talk to, no one to peak their head around the corner when I walk in and say "Hi beth." That is hard. In turn when I am there I am with my family, always with my family, there isn't much chance of not seeing anyone when you have three sisters, one in the next room and two who live in close proximity. There is always someone there, there is always someone asking me questions when I first wake up (I am NOT a morning person), there is little peace and a whole lot less privacy. The first time I came back I had an extremely hard time adjusting to what I call "empty house" syndrome. Whether it was my unreal expectations or having become accustomed to the constant family contact, I felt lost and had forgotten what living alone felt or looked like. Please don't get me wrong- I love my life! I know that I am blessed with amazing opportunities to pursue the dreams that God as placed in me. I also understand that my way of life right now, moving to and fro, does have its consequences, and that adjusting and readjusting is one of them.
All that said, this week has been such a sweet, sweet time of reconnecting, making new friends, getting settled and yes, feeling at home.