Monday, June 16, 2008

30 things.....

Jamie has asked several times how I'm coming on my 30 things to do when I'm 30 list. Well, I'm pleased to announce that this weekend I have been able to check off two more.

On Friday and Saturday the youth group went camping at the beach (I'm sure you know where this is going). Travis, this guy who's been hanging around for awhile, and his mom (a regular church attender) came along. Travis has been surfing with his dad since he was 5 years old. Now 25, he enjoys imparting his surfing wisdom on others. So, we prearranged a surfing lesson at 5:30 saturday morning. I borrowed a wet suit from Weston (note: wearing a guys wet suit is not the most comfortable thing to do, the legs and arms are too long, its not cut for hips and there is a lot of extra crotch room.... not to mention, its snug, and therefore VERY unforgiving. Also of note, I hadn't planned on an audience, but I should of. Sheli, her friend Tiffany, Clarissa, Weston and Nancy (Travis's mom) all got up to come along..... yikes!).

In all the lesson went well- but I'll be the first to admit that it's A LOT harder than it looks. Just paddling out is exhausting! I have two large bruises on both hip bones from both pulling myself up on the board and pressing into the board when getting hit by waves (and their not the kind of bruise that doesn't hurt- wearing pants is even painful). I got up on my knees (and could have stood, but I chickened out and jumped off). The fun part is being out in the middle of the ocean laying on board playing the waiting game... A group of us plan to go next Saturday for lesson number two, he informs me I'll be sore for long time. And today I bought my own wet suit. (pictured: Travis and Nancy (Nancy who now calls me Surf Diva) and me and the long board)

Sunday night was one of my favorite youth group kids birthdays. For whatever reason, Weston let him sit on his motorcycle- something Weston is not prone to do. What started as just sitting on the motorcycle ended up turning into a motorcycle riding lesson for Kurtis. I have been asking (more like begging) for months but the answer has always been jokingly "riding a motorcycle is dangerous, not just for you but for everyone else... with that danger comes a waiting period." So when Kurt was getting his lesson, I told Weston I was a little offended. He smiled and told me I was next. So I got my lesson.... lets just say I'm a better surfer:-) While I didn't wreck it, I did accidentally "lean" it against a brick wall... my excuse- I'm a little girl, it's a big bike! Weston remained gracious and let me ride it some more. Thankfully the "lean" only happened once.