Monday, July 28, 2008

A Good Week, A Bad Day

Yes- I do remember I have a blog. It's just that I usually remember it as I'm falling asleep. I make a mental note to update the next day and tuck it away in my mind somewhere between bills that need paid and searching for a favorite sangria recipe.... needless to say, it's not until the next night, as I'm falling asleep, that that mental note gets found; it's a vicious cycle!

Last week was a phenomenal week here in the state of California, at least in my world.

About a month and a half ago my amazing friend (and tenant:-) Jamie and I started talking about the possibility of him moving my life's belongings from Lancaster Pennsylvania to Upland California. He was willing to drive, I was willing to pay. Here's how the agreement worked out- He spent time packing my stuff, I sent money. He rented a moving truck, I sent money. He loaded a moving truck, I sent money. He found a friend (Jason) to drive with.... well, I didn't send money but I was greatly appreciative. (truth: I embellished my part, I sent money once prior to the move and once while my belongings were en route... truth: I understated Jamie's part, he worked his butt off to get my things to me. Truth: Jason really just did come along for the ride. Although there is something to be said for being willing to help drive a perfect stranger's belongings 3000miles. Thanks J).

All that planning came together last week. Jamie and Jason left Lancaster Sat. July 19 and arrived here Tues July 22. They spent several action packed days here before flying back to PA last Saturday. Those of you who know me well, know that my "worlds colliding" makes me a little nervous. I was a nervous for not. It was a FANTASTIC time (despite the fact that I was really sick the first day or two they were here.... seriously, have you ever known me to spend the day on the couch instead of on the beach?). There was an evening in Hollywood, In-N-Out at 1am, surf lessons, the Cuban Bistro, Hip Kitty, staying up all night talking.... you get the point. I'm posting some pictures that I stole from Jamie's blog below (eh hemmmm.... what happened to leaving a CD of all the pictures Jason?)

So the what's the bad day about?? Truthfully, it was the day my worlds stopped colliding... they went home. I wasn't prepared for how much fun a bit of fun from my PA world would affect my CA world. OR how much it would make me realize and miss what I left in PA. I had forgotten the ease of relationships with history, the laughter of old friends and the excitement of discovering the wild world of west coast for the first time. Now, I few days later, things have settled back into normal life. I am still convinced this is where I'm meant to be, there is undoubtedly a part of me that wishes that they would come back (and make that snappy gentlemen!!!), and bring more of you along!!!!