Friday, July 31, 2009


I've waited for a long time to say this and finally I can..... MY HOUSE IS SOLD!!!!!!

Ahhhhh sweet relief!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer weekending

This weekend was busy! It started Friday with Refuel3; an event which includes a sleepover friday and a day of serving on Saturday. Things didn't go as planned saturday due to some a series of odd events but we all still had fun. Sunday was spent in the pool. Early afternoon my extended family wanted to swim. They left just before 5 which gave me a few minutes to nap before the next group of people arrived.... those people being the youth group(and a host of parents who decided to accompany them). It was a blast!!! (so I obviously started labeling and then quit half way through. but you get the point)




Jamie Teaching

Me & Andrew (sweetest kid I know also the one that took most of these pictures




ummm...more breakfast


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Update update update

Its been awhile, I know. Summer is crazy!!! There have been camping trips, beach trips, camping trips to the beach, house concerts, pool parties, bbq's... you get the point. Here are some highlights as well as some pictures (mostly from cell phones and mostly at the beach) of the summers activities.

-Camping at San Onofre State beach... beautiful! Several miles down the road there was a nudist beach so there were "Nudity Prohibited" signs everywhere. It was westons last even so we sent him off right.
-Beach Beach and more beach- I have been blessed with two nice surfboards this summer; borrowed from people who don't surf much anymore. That doesn't mean that I've surfed at all this year though. Good intentions and early mornings are like oil and water!
-I've only been sunburned once this year (and according to Kymbri it looked like my face was bleeding...whatever:-)
-John and Kymbri are here for the summer!!!
-Jamie MOVED here!!!
-Jamie MOVED here AND he brought my curtain rods!!!!!
-BBQ's and dinners on the patio. We love it! And trader joes has the best cajun salmon!!! work the next morning seems to be problematic though... but then work seems to be problematic every morning:-)
-pool parties including a "light show" toy for the pool.. although you can't look at it to long withoug having a siezure. And FINALLY the hot tub works!
-The vegitable garden and fruit trees. We planted a garden in the back yard. combined with the orange trees, lemon tree, plum tree and lime tree.. healthy eating is cheap. the work is worth it
-Thursday night Jogging (pronounced "Yogging") The brain child of John, who is currently the youth intern. a group of kids meet to run/walk/skateboard around town in homemade "uniforms."
-Air Kareoke on the living room couch- found by mistake while looking for movies on demand. Its free and really really fun!!! No one can sing britney better than we do on sunday afternoons!!
-Going away parties and Welcome parites...
-Dinners, walks, outings with Sam, Joel and the rest of the Walker family

I am exhausted, and very, very fulfilled!!