I had posted before about friends who wanted to rent my house. We planned to have the big meeting last Sunday, where we hashed out all the little (and big) stuff like rent, utilities, leases etc. After a quick pep talk from Lori, I was ready to talk numbers (My sweet friend Lori knows I have an issue being firm when it comes to areas where I feel like I could be giving, meaning, I rent my house for less then I can afford, so that they'll be able to stay there).
Mel and Jamie arrived, we ate dinner, talked and laughed. And then we talked. It was very laid back and went well. We came to an agreement about almost everything. They're taking time to think and pray about it, which is great- I don't have a date that I'll be gone yet, so I'm in no rush for a decision. It's nice to know that there is the possibility of someone living in the house when I'm gone, even if it means I can't just move back in when I want to. Next on the "house" agenda- finish the bathroom... I cringe just thinking about it.
Monday I spent the evening at the Teeters. Lisa and I left to do a little "retail therapy." Nothing can make this girl smile like a trip to Gap and Banana Republic (unless you're talking New York and CO or Ulta when someone else pays). It was the perfect way to end a 4 day weekend (in which I didn't get hardly anything on my "to do" list accomplished). Thanks Lisa for the girl time, it was greatly needed and appreciated.
This Sunday I get to sign up for training again. I need it, my motivation has been totally lacking this week. I was running on the treadmill the other day, watching one of the trainers with a client. The trainer, Jeremiah, is the hardest trainer there (not to mention the hottest:-). The things he made this poor man do with bungee cords, a step and free weights were maniacal. I would have been in tears if it had been me. I could hear him over my iPod yelling at the man to "GO" and telling him to "go" "FASTER." Even though he wasn't yelling at me, I did "go faster." When they were done with their session, I saw the man limp back toward the locker rooms, and thought "I want Jeremiah to be my trainer." Unfortunately I don't get to pick who I get, but here's hoping!!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
House for Rent
Posted by Bethany at 11:08 PM 4 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Who are you callin' a blog slacker??
Ummm, I guess that would be me- according to Julie:-)

Posted by Bethany at 7:10 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Where did my weekend go???
Nothing like working all weekend. This is my first night in a row of three. I know that three nights in a row doesn't sound like a lot, after all most people work 5 days straight. Keep in mind though that my shifts are at least 12.5 hours long and they are, or course, at night.
Typically I don't work three in a row. I don't sleep well enough during the day to be able to handle it well. Usually after long stretches I hibernate, this makes living alone a good thing. I've been known to melt down when I work lots and sleep little. But I've been trying to pick up an extra shift a week. Tonight happens to be that shift. I couldn't have randomly picked a better night (knock on wood:-) I have 4 pts instead of 6 and the ER is empty (meaning no new admissions!!) Nights like this don't happen often. Its a good thing they don't, I'd be bored out of my mind.
Other job related issues. I know I talked to some of you, but, I extended my contract here until the beginning of Oct. My contract was set to end Aug 4th. I decided to take time off to go to Cali for a wedding and then come back and work some more..... until the weather gets cold:-) My hope is to go back to Cali in October, however my hospital there can't offer me a contract yet, it's too early:-( I have friends moving in when I leave who want to rent for 2 years!!! 2 YEARS! that's a long time. I was kinda nervous about not being able to be in it for 2 years. Emotionally, it's hard to not think of my house as MY house to use when I want to. But, logically, it makes complete sense. I'll know it's being taken care of, be able to use the attic to store my things and be able to use my housing stipend for a smaller apt. that will take less time and energy to maintain when I come back next time. Please pray that this works out! We still have to work out all the details. It would be such a blessing and will help me reach my school goal faster.
Well friends- I suppose I should go chart! I hope you all have a great weekend:-)
Posted by Bethany at 12:49 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Last night I did something that I have only dreamed of doing. I did something that I had originally thought I would have done long ago until the reality of the immensity of the situation set in. Last night I wrote the check that served as the final payment on my credit card. This is not just any credit card, this is THE credit card. The one everyone dreads the thought of having. The one I loved hard until I hated it. I have maintained a high balance on it for years, and for a time (before I started being a traveling nurse, and one of reasons I became a traveling nurse) could barely pay the balance.... and the interest rate crept up... and up.... and up...... and just when I thought it couldn't go any higher, it went up again at one point to 30% (just typing that makes me want to vomit!) I have not actually held this card in over two years, the physical card no longer exists, but its evil trap kept me enslaved.... until last night. As soon as that check clears, I'll be calling MBNA and telling them I no longer need their services or their interest rate or the maniacal "just like cash" checks they send in the mail and asking them to kindly forget my name and that I ever existed!!!!
Posted by Bethany at 7:11 PM 7 comments
Friday, June 8, 2007
Coming soon "30 THINGS I WANT TO DO WHEN I'M 30."
I turn 30 in roughly 6.5 months and am actually pretty excited about it! There is so much I want to see and do, and so many things I want to accomplish, both big and small. So, I'm making a list and making sure not one on them gets forgotten..........
Posted by Bethany at 11:31 PM 1 comments
Six months from when???
Ok- I freely admit that my math skills are lacking. I went to the gym a few days after my last post to sign up for training, but it was a no-go. The computer wouldn't let me schedule any sessions because it showed my account frozen until June 31st. Kinda irritated about the whole situation, I began questioning the general manager. He kindly explained something that I had not realized. It seems that 6 full months from January first would bring you to the end of June- not the beginning. OOPS!!! So, for the month of June, I have a get out of jail (or training) free card.
This morning at the gym, I was working away on one of the ab machines and a new trainer came over to talk to me. He first questioned me about my routine, specifically what I do for my abs. I told him. Then told me about how vast his knowledge on ab exercises is and offered one hour session with him, just doing abs. He was very obviously trying to drum up some business for himself, I was the only person he had scheduled all week. 1 hour of abs is A LOT of abs, but hey, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth. The poor guys enthusiasm faded when he found out my training was on hold and he would be doing this pro-bono. He still offered to do it, so Sunday afternoon I go in for "The power hour of abs." Pray that I'll still be able to breath when I leave.
June 1st I had great intentions of posting my sticker chart results for the month of may. Call me weird. juvenile or immature but I have a calendar on my refrigerator where I give my self stickers for going to the gym. This practice actually started in California and involved my entire family. Shortly after Christmas my dad got gym memberships for the few in the family that didn't have them, himself included. We started to notice that at dinner, if he had gone to the gym he would question rest of us to see if we did the same. The conversations would go like this "Beth, did you go to the gym today?" "No dad I didn't go yet" "oh, I did......." In an attempted to end these impromptu dinner accountability sessions, we got a desk calender and stickers and made a sticker chart to put on the refrigerator. Each family member had their own individual sticker to place on the chart if they went to the gym that day. The only rule was that you had to spend at least 30minutes exercising. Now- I'm the only one using the sticker chart but it still motivates me. I get a heart sticker for cardio, a smiley face for lifting weights, and a star for walking the dogs. I like to look at the chart and see lots of shiny stickers and very few empty days. At the end of the month I tally them up and see how I did. Like I said.... Call me weird:-)
Well friends- That's all for now. Gotta get back to work, after all there are lives to save :-)
Posted by Bethany at 10:24 PM 1 comments