Thursday, March 8, 2007

Oh, the weather outside......

First let me say- Adam thanks for the 7 comments you left on the last post- you're a geek:-)

It has been forever since I updated. Sorry! I wish I could say it's because things have been so hectic that I haven't had time, but the truth is that the weather here has been AMAZING (70-80 degrees most days) and I have been spending as much time as I can basking in the sun! (yeah I know it snowed in PA yesterday. Jamie you're my snow shoveling, side walk salting hero. Thanks for commanding "operation snow removal" at my house!).

I do have some new news though. First, I took a contract at LGH for the summer and am scheduled to start May 7th. Lori- hold that baby in until I get there! I'll be working on a tele floor not the OR. I don't remember enough in the OR to just jump back into it. It will be night shift of course but which I think will be do-able (not that I have a choice:-) esp. since I can walk to work instead of drive to York(yuck!).

Lots of you have heard me talk about school. I have been wanting to go back to school for what seems like forever. I have always wanted to be a nurse practitioner, even before ever going to nursing school. Over the past year and a half God has been giving me more and more faith for it. I would have just started years ago but have been waiting until I was financially able to do it. Praise the Lord there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!! I could start school this fall but want to save money for a semester to avoid taking out loans as long as possible. My goal is to start the 4+/- year journey in January! I need to do a year of online work before I can start the masters program but I am so excited!!!! (the trick will be to keep sid under lock and key to cut down on "incidental" costs- I think I've already paid for him 10 times over!!!!).

There has been a been a little drama this week too. Lisa Teeter called me about a note she found in my mailbox. It seems that a neighbor slipped on ice in front of my house (note: this is before Jamie took over shoveling for me) and had to go to the ER. Luckily, she only had a sprained wrist and no broken bones. However, as a result, she lost the position she was working at (through a temp agency) and is now unemployed. I have spent lots of time talking to her and my home owners insurance and am hoping that this all gets ironed out before you see my face on Judge Judy!!!

I just dropped off the Montero at the garage. It sounds awful! I noticed a little squeak on the drive out here and thought it had gone away..... ummm, maybe I should have turned down the radio. The squeak is now loud and happens when I go over a bump, turn or even get out. You know it's bad when someone stops you in a parking lot and tells you to get the suspension checked (true story)! I took it to get lubed yesterday only to find out that it can't be lubed because it has a closed chassy. From my limited knowledge of cars, fixing a suspension problem can be (although may not be) very costly to fix. Heres hoping its not $$$$$$$. (btw- I know someone who's selling a 2002 montero sport, champagne in color, bumpers have some peeling paint, low mileage, only in 1 accident- minor damage, runs great, definitely does not squeak(new owners must be deaf or like loud music), no questions, no refunds).

Not much else happening on the West Coast. I'm off to catch some rays before I take a nap and get ready for work!


Anonymous said...

All I have to say is Adam is a complete geek, and you totally stink because you're basking in rays of sunshine while your PA friends are freezing their buns off in the 20 to 30 degree snowy weather!

Love ya and completely jealous of ya :-) Lori

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is this is what happens when Adam Erb gets the internet! Sorry it's been so long!!!! So glad to hear that you'll be here for the summer. Can't wait to see ya and catch up!

LauraJoy said...

All I have to say is "ditto" to Lori's comment. Even the part about Adam :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the lovely comments, you all must not have lives at all, unless you are at what you call work?
