Monday, March 26, 2007

Walking up Euclid

A look up Euclid
California is a crazy state. On one hand you have the beach- miles and miles of it. But what people don't think about or don't know, is that California has just as many mountains. Now when I say mountains I don't mean large hills, I mean huge, snow capped in April, looming mountain ranges. (this is actually the best case that people make when arguing the supremacy of California- that it's always an hour to the mountains and an hour to the beach no matter where you are. Also funny- people say "I'm going to the snow this weekend." sounds weird to me!) I live closer to the mountains then the beach. In fact, when you walk out my front door and look to the left they all but smack you. When I first got here I was often taking aback by them, especially in the morning after a rain (snow in the mountains). One of the main streets in the town of Upland is called Euclid (is that a tree?). The street leads straight up into the mountains with a crazy incline, and up to all the ridiculously large homes. In the center of the street is a walking trail that is lined with trees that remind me of weeping willows without all the "weep" (maybe they're Euclid trees). The trail is at least five miles. I say at least five miles because I've never actually walked to the top. When Laura and I got out here a year and a half ago, I remember driving up it to look at the houses and saying to her, "by the time I leave I want to be able to run up this street." It's not running, but the dogs and I (and Sheli on occasion) have been walking it, or a five mile chunk of it (Sid has put on a little winter weight and by a little I mean a lot!). The further you go, the prettier it is, the quieter it gets and the less likely you are to run into others walking on it. I'm not sure if it's the trees or something planted at the houses on either side of the street, but there is something in bloom right now that has a scent that is almost intoxicating. Some of my best times with the Lord have happened when I was mindlessly pulling the dogs up the trail. We haven't been able to walk in the last few days and I'm a little sad. I really enjoy the solitude and being outside. Before long my Euclid walking days will have to come to an end. Soon it will be too hot to make Bear walk that far, even now he feels the need to plop down on the grass without warning to take a little break (which is okay because I'm usually beat by that point too).

I worked this weekend and it was crazy. I have tonight off and go back Monday for two more nights. I was supposed to have this entire week off for a family vacation that didn't happen. It ended up being to my favor because I came to the realization just recently that I'll have to go entire month between paychecks since I'm switching pay schedules.... YIKES!!!! So I signed up to work the beginning of the week. I'm trying to stay up late tonight so I can sleep in. Trying to switch back to a day shift schedule for one day is pointless. So far its working. Sheli is on spring break. We just go home from the gym- they call it 24Hour Fitness for a reason!

Mel and Jamie come Wed. night! Our schedule is going to be PACKED when they're here. They want to see and do as much as possible. We'll be bike riding at the beach, going to LA, Hollywood, Olivera St (ask Laura), Hearst Castle (4 hours up the coast) Griffith park/observatory, visiting a friend of Jamie's. I would love to throw some Spanish food, salsa dancing, wine tasting, Laguna, Pasadena, San Diego action in there too but know that there is only 24 hours in a day! Regardless what we end up doing, it will a blast (and exhausting)!

I'm off to pay bills- Yippee! I don't think I've ever stayed up late to pay bills.... I'm old!

1 Comment:

LauraJoy said...

I remember that drive and that VIEW! I have it on video...I'll have to watch that soon, it's been a while! Your plans for mel and jamie sound fantastic! I'm so freakin jealous!! Aaaah, Olivera St...gorgeous there (and you know i'm not just talkin about the scenery! ;)
So have a great time and I am counting down the days till you're home. Oh, and I discovered today that one of the girls I work with knows guys graduated from E-Town together. Curious as to who? You'll have to call me to find out! :) :)
luv ya!