Thursday, December 27, 2007

6 Glorious Days

6 days- That's how long I have until I go back to work (5 if you don't count today which is already over on the east coast). Yeah yeah- I know I only work three (very long) nights a week so I can't complain about my busy work schedule (and yet I still find a way to:-)

So how am I spending my 6 days off? Hopefully catching up on some much needed reading, cleaning, phone calls and fun!

Today after I left work I went home and after an hour of fighting sleep on the couch while watching the Today's show (has anyone else noticed that Anne Curry's voice is soothing enough to put you right to sleep?) I headed to see my friend David (formerly of Uptopian Love Story) for a cut and colour. As if I weren't tired enough- sitting in a chair for 2.5 hours with someone playing with my hair made me feel like jello. I swear that man gives the best scalp/neck massages. Now I don't mean to toot my own horn- but toot toot; my sister and I have given him soooo many referrals that things are starting to cost less, i.e. he gets me product from the supply store at cost and charges me 50% so I don't have to pay the salon price for them. Now I am fully aware that some of the deep discount could be a little guilt he's carrying for standing me up this summer, but there ain't no shame in my game "Can I have that Biolage in the liter please- thanks!" you may notice from the pictures that my hair is getting darker and darker- that is intentional.... okay actually, I don't even really decide, david does, but so far I've been quite happy with results (funny story- when I asked a guy at work what he thought he jokingly said "ummmm...... yeah no. I'm a mexican and you were a blonde... there is nothing more I can say about it").

Tonight my sister April (her and I to the left- I know, no resemblance), some of the girls from work and I went out to a cool little jazz and fondue lounger called Hip Kitty. The place is becoming a local hot spot and features live Jazz every night (it's only open Wed to Sun). We had dreamy chocolate desert fondue. The first pot was milk chocolate with peanut butter added, the second was dark chocolate with raspberry added. It was delicious and the atmosphere was great (this wasn't my first time there and I'm sure won't be my last). We called it a night at about 10:30 which is early for us. My limited sleep during the day was/is catching up with me.

I am still continuing to run and am quite pleased with my progress.... okay I'll be honest, last time I finished I thought I was going to pass out or throw up (luckily I did neither), but my knee is holding up well. Thankfully for all involved I have no pictures of me running to post... I'm planning on keeping it that way! I have a ritual of tieing a sweatshirt around my waste when I run. I would love to say that this adds to my speed and agility, and in a way I guess it does. It gives me peace of mind that no one behind me has to see the "back 40" shimmy and shake the way only the synthetic jelly like substance in stress balls is supposed to! Truth be told, it was either a sweatshirt over top or a girdle underneath..... I think the choice was obvious!

With that I should go! I'm beat! To all I haven't talked to- I love and miss you!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Old Dreams Die Hard

Over two years ago when I started trying to lose weight I decided I would do it by running. For whatever reason I have always been envious of runners. They are long and lean and seem to glide over the earth effortlessly. Most of them return from a run jonesing for the next. The "runners high" is said to be amazing. I, on the other hand, looked like a mack truck barreling down the street, and made it a habit each school year to find out what day we were to run the mile for the "Presidential Physical Fitness" test. It goes without saying I would subsequently be ill when that day arrived. I think in my entire high school career I ran the mile once- and thought I was going to die. But secretly, I have always wished I could be one of "them-" a runner.

In my early days of losing weight, I was way over zealous about running (esp when I think about what my weight was). Most people decide to start with a 5K or even a 10K if they're feeling a little cocky. I decided to register for a half marathon.... that's right 13.1miles (no one ever has to tell me to dream big). I bought running shoes, running books, training logs. I worked with a physical therapy assistant who would help me set short term goals, keep track of progress and stretch my sore legs. I was serious about it (a delusional I admit, see I had only given my self 4 months to go from not running to being a long distance runner). I trained for weeks and saw little progress but still had hope, that is, until one day on vacation in the mountains I hurt my knee (again delusional, running at my weight was just asking for trouble). That injury landed me in physical therapy, and lost my $70 registration fee.

I still want to be able to run. I have tried the running thing again several times since. Last fall when the chub club girls talked about running the Crossway Mile, I jumped on the computer and printed a training plan. I made it to training day two when my knee acted up.

Last week, I decided to try again. This time, I'm only shooting for a 5k (older is wiser right?) although I would love to be able to run more. The 5K I selected raises money for victims rights and isn't until April leaving me plenty of time to train in hopes of not aggrevating my knee. I have successfully made it past day two of the training program and am actually enjoying it (although what keeps playing in my head when I run is "heal to toe-" seriously, time for a new mantra).

Otherwise- life in cali is quite status quo. My bought with the virus from down under (and I don't mean australia friends) is gone minus a lingering cough. It has been cold and rainy here, hardly what christmas in California is supposed to be like (believe it or not, I miss snow).

Well friends- Thats all for now, back to work
Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sorry so long.....

Okay- I know it's been two weeks since I've updated. My reasons for not posting are both valid and pathetic. Pathetic because I was waiting to have pictures to post, valid because I have the flu (or a close cousin of the flu) which, trust me, no one wants a picture of, that is unless you find a 20 something sleeping on the couch with a little brown dog by her side photo worthy:-) In truth, the flu has only been upon me for the past 5 days, leaving 9 others in which I could have posted.... that's where the picture excuse comes in.

I promise I will update soon (hopefully with pictures)