Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Old Dreams Die Hard

Over two years ago when I started trying to lose weight I decided I would do it by running. For whatever reason I have always been envious of runners. They are long and lean and seem to glide over the earth effortlessly. Most of them return from a run jonesing for the next. The "runners high" is said to be amazing. I, on the other hand, looked like a mack truck barreling down the street, and made it a habit each school year to find out what day we were to run the mile for the "Presidential Physical Fitness" test. It goes without saying I would subsequently be ill when that day arrived. I think in my entire high school career I ran the mile once- and thought I was going to die. But secretly, I have always wished I could be one of "them-" a runner.

In my early days of losing weight, I was way over zealous about running (esp when I think about what my weight was). Most people decide to start with a 5K or even a 10K if they're feeling a little cocky. I decided to register for a half marathon.... that's right 13.1miles (no one ever has to tell me to dream big). I bought running shoes, running books, training logs. I worked with a physical therapy assistant who would help me set short term goals, keep track of progress and stretch my sore legs. I was serious about it (a delusional I admit, see I had only given my self 4 months to go from not running to being a long distance runner). I trained for weeks and saw little progress but still had hope, that is, until one day on vacation in the mountains I hurt my knee (again delusional, running at my weight was just asking for trouble). That injury landed me in physical therapy, and lost my $70 registration fee.

I still want to be able to run. I have tried the running thing again several times since. Last fall when the chub club girls talked about running the Crossway Mile, I jumped on the computer and printed a training plan. I made it to training day two when my knee acted up.

Last week, I decided to try again. This time, I'm only shooting for a 5k (older is wiser right?) although I would love to be able to run more. The 5K I selected raises money for victims rights and isn't until April leaving me plenty of time to train in hopes of not aggrevating my knee. I have successfully made it past day two of the training program and am actually enjoying it (although what keeps playing in my head when I run is "heal to toe-" seriously, time for a new mantra).

Otherwise- life in cali is quite status quo. My bought with the virus from down under (and I don't mean australia friends) is gone minus a lingering cough. It has been cold and rainy here, hardly what christmas in California is supposed to be like (believe it or not, I miss snow).

Well friends- Thats all for now, back to work
Merry Christmas!!

1 Comment:

LauraJoy said...

Glad for the update! I miss you a ton. Merry Christmas my dear friend :)