Tuesday, February 12, 2008

30 for 2

weeks- that is...... You asked how I feel about 30? If the first two weeks are any indication of what my 30's will be like; I must say that this is by far my favorite decade.

The past two weeks have resembled some sort of organized chaos much akin to a chinese fire drill in the middle of a 4 lane highway (I mean that in the most positive sense possible). Nights spent at work are followed by sleepless days (sleep... I'm really beginning to think it's a bit over-rated). There have been outings to broomball (definition- lacrosse meets a soccer riot on an ice rink without skates), counselor meetings for winter camp, making breakfast for the jr. High girls sunday school class that my friend Amanda and I are now teaching, Sr High girls bible study, coffee with friends, valentine writing/sending, camping trip planning, bar-b-que organizing, beach bike rides, impromptu gatherings, youth commission meetings...oh and working full-time....

But I must say that yesterday was most definetly my favorite day of my 30's. While my short synopsis may seem ordinary to some of you reading, those involved know how extrordinary it was.
For whatever reason schools were off. What usually happens in my house is that Sheli plays on her computer, listens to music and sleeps until I wake up and while I remember hearing some movement outside my bedroom door, I thought nothing of it. I had worked the night before, and had a terrible night. I woke up at noon, much earlier then I wanted to, but drifted in and out until just after 1 when I decided to get up and address my growing to-do list. To my surprise when I walked out of my room, a stream of youth group kids and the youth pastor were walking in the front door. Now I will be the first to admit, morning (or early afternoon in this case) is not my best time, so I didn't jump at the chance to go on the bike ride they were about to embark on. When they returned, I was awake, showered and caffienated. An afternoon/evening of good clean crazy fun ensued. There were skateboard races, scooter races, running races, skateboard/scooter crashes, piggyback rides, cartwheels, stolen flip flops....etc. This continued for hours. My mom, being the amazing mom that she is, started grilling hamburgers for everyone (I should mention that our house is across the drive way from the church). We broke from the fun to sit and eat. My parents, sisters, Weston the youth pastor, miscelaneous kids and I sat laughing around the table. (I must say that this was an especially sweet time for me. When we were growing up and in college, I would always invite random people over for sunday dinner. Our table was always full and there was always laughter. Last night was no different). Dinner gave way to more outdoor craziness and eventually led to a campfire. There is no need to discuss the various attempts to make smores with mini marshmellows and chocolate chips, I'll just say that I'm pretty sure it's impossible even when you use a cookie sheet and spatula. Of course by the time the fire was started the guitar was already out, not to mention a drum. The few that were left, sat, sang, and played pool. Slowly, kids started leaving, until it was only Weston, Henry (both pictured above) Sheli and I left. Weston played the guitar, henry the drum (I know there is some specific name for the type of drum. But really, did you expect me to know it?) while sheli and I laughed (so hard I cried), listened and occasionally sang. Our fun ended close to 9pm when my dad, walking home from a meeting, told us we were probably a little too loud.
I could "blame" the weather for this rare occurance when things just seem to fall into place. To me, a warm sunny day is the equivelant of drinking ten shots of expresso. But I know there is more. I was more true to myself, more engaged, then I had been for a long time. God has been teaching me so much about his desire for our hearts, to take the broken places and heal them, making us wholy the person he created us to be. As I lay down my issues, confront situations that make me want to grapple for control to avoid hurt, confess my severe lack of trust, and invite him to show me his kindness, I am in awe at his willingness and faithfulness to do so. I am busy, but life is good. I am pouring into others but my heart is overflowing. I am sleep deprived, but my soul is at rest.


Jamie M. Sensenig said...

I am truly excited for you. May His love, grace and mercy continue to overwhelm you.

Dani said...

awesome update, Bethany! It's great to read your updates and hear how God is working in your life.
I must say, I usually love winter, but that sounded wonderful right about now! :) Enjoy the warm weather for us. ;)

Steph B. said...

As I was reading your update. I was thinking about all the fun you were, are, having. Isn't it amazing at what fun we can have when we are together with Christians? I LOVE IT!!!!!

So Glad to hear you are doing well. I told Gabe that I wanted to go to CA to visit. LOL

LauraJoy said...

Thanks for the update (tho I got the detailed first hand report before I read this). Great pix too. I love the one of Shelly on the skateboard. Miss you guys.
luv u,

Julie Garner said...

I loved every moment of this update. And I have a feeling we need a good long phone conversation very soon! I hope I go into labor this weekend...but if not, I'm only days away now. I can hardly believe it! And I miss you, but can hardly be sad that you aren't here when I read this update.

I love you and hope we can chat really soon!

LauraJoy said...

Time to update! ;)

Julie Garner said...

I'm wondering how camp went...but now I guess I will have to wait to find out until I am recovered enough to make it back down to my computer again. It was so great talking to you the other day, Friend! Love you so much!!!
