Monday, March 3, 2008

Crazy becomes Crazier

Of course I'll begin this post like every other with an apology for long lapse between posts.... but honestly, I'm even having trouble fitting in sleep (which we all know isn't good for me or anyone with in a 20mile radius:-).

Cali life has continued to be a steady buzz of activity, comings and goings, work, monkeying around (my specialty), with the added bonus of a weekend in the snow for winter camp, and as of today, the start of school. There have been several more experiences like the the one described in my previous post, where things just seem to miraculously fall into place. I continue to be amazed! Dreams are being dreamt, hopes are being lifted and plans are being made. Excitement is all around us here! I love it!
Of course there is always something to temper us (or at least it seems that way in my life, but then I also have a tendency to dive head first into things and forget about the world around me). As of today, school has become that reminder for me. I "started" my online classes today. Call me naive, but I thought that online meant "squeeze in where ever you can as to not interfere with everything else that you want to do." My assumption was quickly proven incorrect when I logged in and looked at my syllabi's. What should have been my first clue, was that I'm taking 2 condensed NURSING classes simultaneously. Anyone who knows anything about nursing school knows what H-E- double hockey sticks it can be- How quickly I forgot!!!! This obviously holds true for online school too. After thoroughly reading each syllabus, organizing the mountain of books piled on my bed, I closed my lap-top, took some Tylenol and applied for a job at Target..... just kidding (only about the target thing!). My life will really be a test of my juggling skills.
This month will be undoubtedly the busiest I've had in awhile. Adjusting to school, church fun, friend fun, good clean fun, road trip planning, book study starting........ I think I'm going to need some more tylenol.


Jamie M. Sensenig said...

It seems to me like you are finding your groove. Not only in the craziness of the day to day but more so in the grand scheme of where God has you right now. I'm happy for you. So how's the list of things you want to do when you're 30 going? Anything getting scratched off?

LauraJoy said...

Missing you lots.
Hope we can talk soon :)

Dani said...

i'd like to place my order for an update, please, with ketchup on the side?