Saturday, March 22, 2008

Update with a side of ketchup??

I'm not sure how to put ketchup on a blog Danielle, but I'd sure like to find out!

This will be brief, as I'm supposed to be working on an essay test right now...(booo school!) but any way of procrastinating will do:-)

My life was crazy before, but the addition of school has thrown me into over-drive. There aren't enough hours in the day for me accomplish everything that needs done. Fortunately I have an uncanny ability to function on very little sleep.... but even that is getting old. And these days sleep isn't coming easy.

The last few weeks have been busily fun. In addition to school (booo school!) there have been beach trips, bbq's, youth group lunches/all day hang outs (believe it or not, that was all just last weekend), we started a new young adult womens book study... and more. The next two weeks are even busier! Next week I'm going to the mountains with some of the youth on a retreat, the following week I'll be in Colorado with different youth, doing the same. The Colorado trip comes at an amazingly perfect time- now is about the time in my stay somewhere where I start to get restless and feel like it's time to hit the road, take a trip, change the scenery... I'm getting antsy and some free time in mountains of colorado might just do the trick!

That's all I have time for now... pictures and a real update to come... hopefully sometime in 2008!

1 Comment:

Dani said...

thanks for the update! =) since food items and laptops don't mix, i guess we oughta just nix the ketchup do you spell that blasted word???
bbq's sound great! i'm jealous! =) enjoy one for me...i'm rarin' to go with the warmer weather [not too warm, mind you]. have fun in colorado!