Thursday, June 4, 2009

Big Sur & East meets West

(so I wrote this post thursday morning but haven't posted cause I was waiting for pictures from Jacquie which i still have, but over the course of 36hours there have been new "developments" worthy of a post, but I'm really tired and want to sleep... so check back soon).

I realized the other day that my last post was, oh, a month and a half ago.... but I've been busy. Having a house, (not to mention a roommate who's a chef) lends itself well to hosting dinner parties... which lately seem to be happening tri-weekly (believe me when I say that is not a complaint! It's been a blast!)

But dinner parties and all, nothing has been blog worthy (ok maybe they have been but I didn't post sooooo whatev.... ) It's probably easiest to just to start with the more recent big events....

Memorial Day weekend I went camping in Big Sur california. It's about 6 hours up the coast on the Pacific Coast Hwy and is considered "Central Coast." It was a spiritual life retreat with the young adults and young marrieds from church. I have to say that my attitude wasn't the greatest. I really wasn't looking forward to the drive esp after all 4 passengers in my car bailed at the last minute. My attitude didn't improve much when I got up there close to midnight and couldn't find the campsite. This was further complicated by the lack of cell service. Long story short I ended up about 45minutes north in the quaint little town of Carmel, at a hotel. I made it back down to the campsite the next day, which was much easier to find in the daylight, and had a fantastic time. This part of the coast is breath taking!!! Early Sunday morning I woke up and drove down the coast a few miles, specifically to find a latte. Latte in hand, I pulled over at a turn out, got out of my car, sat at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean and watched the waves come in. Half awake, my mind jumped from subject to subject and I began to make a "to-do" list of all the things I wanted to do when I got home. And believe me, all I wanted to do was go home, or at least start the long drive.

I must have been sitting there in silence except for the sound of the water, for at least 20minutes planning my day, my week, and probably my life before God interupted me with one statement "Enjoy this quiet, your life is about to change." I don't pretend to know what that means or in what ways it's going to change or even if the change is going to positive or negative, but I do know that with that statement came and overwhelming sense of peace about my future that calmed and has continued to calm the anxious untrusting corners of my mind. I sat there for awhile, my mind as quiet as possible, with a new sense of peace, feeling slightly dangerous (as one should with an unpredictable future) and then drove back to the campsite where I was greeted by friends and pancakes.....


Last weekend was a weekend for reunions. Some of my favorite people made their way west! John and Kymbri came home from college in PA and Jamie flew in for a visit (the timeing is kinda funny, because before J&K left to drive west, they stayed with Jamie at my house in Lancaster for a few days). It was a busy weekend. Both Jamie and John and Kimbry arrived thrusday night, Jamie by plane, J&K by car. Friday we made plans to go surfing (ok I made plans for everyone) which were then changed to just going to the beach (need a new roof rack for the board)but by friday mornining reality that we were having 25 people over for dinner friday night (Last Friday Dinner, happens every month it just happened to be our turn to host)hit me. Overwhelmed at the amount of cleaning and food prep that needed to be done, I decided it was best for me to stay home but offered my car to anyone who wanted to use it. Being the upstanding gracious men that they are, Jamie and John spent the day cleaning the pool and the pool house. And trust me, that may not sound like much, but it was a huge task!!!! I promise the pool and the pool house have never looked so good!!! Thanks again boys!!! by the time 7pm rolled around, the house looked amazing, and we were exhausted!

The entire weekend flew by! Besides Last Friday Dinner, there were trips to the movies, the beach, contact broomball with the youth group, dinner with friends.... etc. I dropped Jamie off at the airport Monday afternoon and promptly took a nap.

Of course it goes without saying that I have a ton of other things to post: Working at Union Rescue Mission in LA, Youth Pastor transitioning/interviewing, vegitable garden growing and learning how to eat "raw," training for a "muddy-buddy" race, surfing stories, but more importantly the things God is teaching me. But those will have to wait for another day...