Saturday, April 18, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Today was/is beautiful. High 80's, low 90's maybe (quite different then PA 80's and 90's. It's quite comfortable with no humidity)... anyway- we (susie and I) used the pool for the first time today. Our objective is to work on a tan (vain... I know). We both agree that fried chicken is more appetizing than raw chicken... and right now we're both looking like raw chicken. Sid was lingering around the pool, looking a little parched. Instead of going and getting him water we decided to put him in the water. First on my surf board, then on his own. He did swimmingly (pun intended). Typically I'm extremely opposed of putting pictures of myself in a bathing suit on the internet.. or anywhere for that matter, but Sid looks so stinking cute... and maybe a bit terrified

I'm not sure how he felt about the whole experience but it's good exercise for the chubby little pup. I'm sure a few more times will have him jumping in on his own..... maybe


LauraJoy said...

Oh my word you have no idea how many times I have come to your blog just to look at these pictures and laugh out loud! Poor little Yid-Bubba...I miss him!! (and you, of course).
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hey Sid,

Slide over, I'ld like to take a turn! :)



Dani said...

Ahhhh, you're making me want to move to Cali!!