Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Wow! I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted. Where does time go? And more importantly, how is that so much time has passed and I feel I have nothing but a growing "to do" list to show for it? I have been thinking about what to blog. Sometimes while trying to fall asleep, I think "I need to blog" and proceed to "plan" a blog post. The topics vary from things like my love of hats, stories about patients, time spent with my nieces, what being single and (almost) 30 in Lancaster county really feels like, and how the show America's Next Top Model always makes me think "what if." Though these (thankfully) never made it to the blog they all were wickedly humerus and very insightful in my mind (bear in mind, I was falling asleep).

The last couple of weeks have been chaotic but not extremely exciting. Sure there have been things like the beach with the Randolphs, random happenings with friends, a birthday here and there (Happy 30th Lena!) but my life has a rhytm to it. Work, clean, pack, go to the gym..... that seems to be my steady existence these days. Each area seems to have some "drama" that you may find note worthy.

Work- I extended my contract until mid Oct. (Oct 20th to be exact) and plan on extending it through the first week of November. This is the latest I can extend. There is some comfort in extending a month beyond what I originally signed for. First, it gives me more time to pack up this place I call home. Second it gives me more time to get everything done that needs to be done... i.e the infamous bathroom (Work starts the first week of Oct, YIPPPEEE) not to mention the mass amount painting still left to do. It also gives me two extra pay checks with which I can pay for the above mentioned work. Sadly I realize that as soon as all this work is done, I'll be leaving and won't be here to enjoy it. As far as Cali jobs go, I have none. Actually, as far as a job anywhere, I have none. For most people this would cause a fair amount of anxiety. I'm not gonna lie, some days it does. But I have come to realize that life has a way of unfolding itself, and my anxiety, though justified to some, doesn't change it. I am very confident that there is a job for me somewhere even though it seems like I won't find out where until the last minute. I've always said I like surprises.... this is just a test:-)

The House- Have you ever been overwhelmed by a huge task that you can't seem to find the motivation to do it simply because trying to decide where to start is exhausting?? That is how life on New St feels these days. Each day I think of all I have to do in the next month. I think so hard, that thinking is all I ever get done. The conversation with myself usually goes like this.... "Okay, I need to clean out the car, and take the stuff to goodwill, but there is that stuff in the kitchen that needs to go too, wait where in the kitchen is that stuff? I should pack up the kitchen, so I can find everything I want to take. But if I pack up the kitchen what plates, silverware etc will I use. I could use paper products but what happens if i run out before work and can't go get any. Better not pack the kitchen up yet" That's just a sample of the long conversation myself and I had today.... the outcome- the kitchen is packed minus two plates, two cups and some silverware (and pots and pans), but the car isn't cleaned out and the goodwill merchandise is still here.

The cleaning/packing war is complicated by the "my house is a construction zone" aspect. The master bedroom is ready to be drywalled and the bathroom needs to be cleaned out and ready for its face lift, so nothing is where it should be anyway. I found myself grumbling today about how much work moving is, even if its just to the attic. I now understand why people buy a house and grow old in it.

The gym- you may be thinking "really?? drama at the gym?" more like trainer trauma. Nick was my trainer in July. I was to call him when I got back from vacation. I did and he never returned my calls. So I signed up to see Tyrone again. (Tyrone was the trainer that chatted with me for an hour and a half instead of working out with me) I figured I would just need to "redirect" him if he got too chatty. We had out first session last week. He kicked my butt (probably because of a sassy comment I made doubting his ability to work me hard enough to drop 15lbs before I leave). We were set to work out twice this week. Tuesday I got a phone call saying he was going to be out for two weeks. I think I'm cursed!! I'm just not meant to train in the state of PA!! I ran into Tyrone tonight at the gym and he explained the situation. I'm not going to pretend that I understood what he said, but it had to do with certification of some sort and him taking a class.

While there are other things I could post, like my gym crush coming full circle or the car accident I was in this weekend (just rear ended, everyone is fine- but my car will be getting its third rear bumper) or Sheli breaking her leg in three places and needing surgery, I'm going to close here. It's late and I have a full day of thinking about cleaning and packing without actually doing it planned tomorrow!


Steph B. said...

It's good to hear from you!! You have been a busy bee :) Zion is still talking about your "sand castle" :) So cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. :) Sorry to hear about your sister's leg! :(

LauraJoy said...

Oh my word..."at last" is right! So glad you got time to post. Even tho I know most of the stuff going on with you, I usually miss something (like the whole Tyrone thing...sheesh!)
Anyway, I'm glad you're staying longer and I'm looking forward to our x-country drive (again!). I know you have much much much to do before then but I am confident you will get it done. Call me whenever you need help. The next few weekends are nuts, but I'll do whatever I can to get you "moved". I know the feeling!! I only had to "move" to my basement and it was still a consuming project!!
Luv ya girl,

Julie Garner said...

Welcome back to Blogdom...and it's good to have you! I'd love to read your blogs about your random night-time thoughts. They sound great!

Thanks for a great time at breakfast this morning. Girls night out needs to follow SOOOOOON!!!!

Love you!

Unknown said...

yay! A post from Bethany! thanks for updating!