Thursday, August 23, 2007

Back to Reality

Last night was my first night back to work making the reality that vacation was indeed over more real. It occurred to me last night that I have only 6weeks left of my contract at LGH. Almost momentarily came the crushing awareness of all that needs to be done before I head west for the winter and the realization that I am still jobless as of Oct 6th. While I don't feel that finding a job will be difficult ( I spoke to the Director at San Antonio- my cali hosp. who said in no uncertain terms they want me back, but don't know if they'll need me when I'm ready to be there.) I know there are plenty of jobs in Cali, but that they may just involve more then the 3block commute I enjoy now.

Melanie and Jamie are set to move in to the house indefinitely in Nov. I am sooooo grateful to be leaving the house in their very generous and capable hands. It's just that I have procrastinated getting the house painted and the bathroom done (really is that any surprise to any of you who know me well?) and now I need to add packing up the entire house and moving it to the attic to the list... YIKES!!!! (this would be a good time to mention that before I left for vacation I signed up for a lot of overtime again... I AM a glutton for punishment) The good thing is that I can take a week or two after my contract to tie up loose ends before packing up the Uhaul (I'll be taking my bedroom with me this time) and hitting the road.

If you think of me please pray for endless energy and motivation, I don't foresee a lot of sleep in my future!


Julie Garner said...

You need some coffee with your good pal Julie in order to get you motivated to do all that needs to be done. I'm pretty sure that's the remedy for all of these things... :)

Love you!

LauraJoy said...

Um...time for an update :)

Julie Garner said...

Um...where ya been?


Carol said...

Yeah enquiring minds want to know.


Anonymous said...

i would like to order an update, please. :)