Monday, October 8, 2007

House Update

This past week there has been a flurry of activity; random people coming at random times to do random things at random places in the house. Packing has come to a complete stand-still but I'm beginning to see signs that all the construction madness does have an end!

This is what has changed since last week:
-The drywall is half "finished" and the crown molding is up in the front bedroom
-The drop ceiling in the bathroom is completely gone, along with the fluorescent light
-The sink vanity is gone (by gone I mean in the office)
-The ledge is up around the ceiling and 2x4s are in place to hang drywall today (in the bathroom)
-The shower walls have been cut back and the trim is on

I am excited about the progress, even inspite of the tools, mess, things out of place (the new bathroom sink is in the living room in front of the fireplace!) and my inability to pack. Those who have lived the bathroom saga with me will certainly understand the excitement. To those who haven't- well lets just say it's been a 4year project that at one point involved me making a shower out of shower liners and a staple gun:-) I think I may have an unveiling party for the bathroom when it's all said and done!

I do have picts chronicling the process but have no way to easily upload them right now.... soon I promise!


Julie Garner said...

Hooray for progress!!!

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for the bathroom! :)

Lisa said...

aaahhh, yes.......memories of the ghetto shower.....truly one of your most brilliant ideas ever!! :)

Julie Garner said...

Just wanted to say again how FABULOUS your house is looking!