Tuesday, July 31, 2007

You know it's time for a vacation when.....

You know it's time for a vacation when you fondly remember your nasty bout with the flu three years ago as "the time you got to catch up on sleep" and secretly hope to catch it again........

Sunday, July 29, 2007

I'm a Hermit....

I'm a hermit, but I don't mean to be! Please accept my apologies if you are one of the countless people whom I haven't gotten to spend time with or talk to recently! It's nothing personal I promise. The mixture of working night shift, working overtime, family etc has me running low on time and high on exhaustion. It seems the older I get the faster time slips away. I don't think that is at all fair!! Not when you take into consideration that the older you get the more responsibilities you have- essentially leaving you with more stuff to do and less time to do it in. Where is the sense in that?

I am working the last of a three night stretch now. The weekend hasn't been too bad here on 8W. Although that could change in a matter of seconds. I have one day off and then come back in for three more days(nights) of fun. I live and breathe in a "work bubble" as Laura called it. Being away from home and friends is beginning to wear on me. I need a voice of reason when I'm looking at the schedule and contemplating more overtime. Last night I was doing such a thing when my friend Jodi said, "don't do it! You sign up and then regret doing it when you get here." I heeded her warning half way and only signed up for 2 shifts instead of 4. I closed my planner and decided that it was enough. All this overtime and working does have a purpose... multiple purposes actually. Specifically, house projects. After I return from Cali in Aug, my big bathroom project begins... or continues. I mean seriously, for 4 years my bathroom has been in a state of disrepair- it's time. Other projects include painting, painting, more painting, new bilco (sp?) doors for the basement, ceiling fans.... etc.

So please forgive me dear friends! Lancaster and Cali seem the same right now- I don't get to see anyone. I miss you all tremendously!!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

It's Official.....

It's official- I miss Cali. My parents picked up Sheli yesterday morning so I could nap before going to work. They'll all be flying out tomorrow morning. My time with Sheli seemed way too short! We had plans to go to NYC on Monday but the weather wasn't agreeable. We ended up spending the entire day (well over 12hours) at King of Prussia. There was no Central Park, no Statue of Liberty but we still had a great time. While there a sales girl asked how we knew each other. When we said we were sisters she looked a little puzzled and began questioning which parent we shared or if we just meant "really good friends." Fast forward on day- we were at the gym talking to Tyrone. After I introduced Sheli he paused a second and said "oh yeah, I can see a resemblance." Go figure:-) Our other activities included the movies, the gym, dinner at Aunt Faithe's and sitting on the front porch watching the ghetto folk (true story- very entertaining!). I am tired!!

Having them around really makes me miss California. Also making me a little "California sick" is some anxiety about being able to go back (don't they say "you want what you can't have") I checked San Antonio's website to see the job posting and much to my horror, they aren't hiring any permanent staff for the position I fill. That may initially seem like a good thing, but it's not. If they don't have a hole to fill, they won't be hiring temporary staff (me) to fill it. This leaves me in a quandary of sorts. See, I just found out the floor I work on now won't be needing travelers after Oct (when my contract ends), so I can't just extend. This leaves only a few options. Sign a full 13week contract in PA with another hospital, sign a contract in CA with another hospital, or pick a coast to live on and get "a real job." With this new information has come a revelation- the decision about where to live may be more near than I hoped or anticipated ( Of course I should have expected it- I recently prayed that God would show me what my plans were and what His plans were with regards to school, work and pretty much every aspect of life). I am trying hard not to panic about a decision, finances (can't afford to be permanent staff at LGH), life plans, relationships and the fact that if I were just married this wouldn't even be an issue(:-) Fortunately I'll be in Cali in just a few short weeks for a much needed vacation. and plan on talking the director myself (hoping that she'll make a hiring exception for me). Here's hoping!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sleep is all I can think about right now. My patients are all tucked in and hopefully sleeping soundly, all my charts are checked, all meds given, all my charting done. The only thing left to do is to try to stay awake. It is frigid in here tonight and some hot chocolate sounds delicious. I'm afraid if I drink something warm I'll end up slumped over the desk in a puddle of drool. I'm not working with people I usually work with tonight so the boredom factor is multiplied by 1000. So, what better time to update my blog. I have noticed that my posts are timed pacific standard time which is 3 hours behind and I'm not sure how to change it.... I'm also not sure that I care enough to try to figure it out either:-) (Side note: I tried to download a blog template from blogskins.com and after an hour+ stopped just short of throwing the computer out the window. does anyone know how to do it?)

I started training again on July 4th. My trainer Nick is fabulous, although it took some doing to actually get an appointment with him. Our first appointment was to be July 4th at 9am. I thought it was a little odd to have an appointment on the 4th of July but showed up anyway. Unfortunately Nick didn't. I had heard that the training at LA Fitness had been going down hill form people I work with. Apparently "no shows" are common place with some of them. So, the General Manager Jay offered to work out with me (Jay is the guy who gave me the free hour ab workout, and, according to him, "invented the crunch." I have to admit, that I am not his biggest fan). Not wanting to lose a session, we worked out. Afterwards, he was going to book me again. Having decided that Nick was a flake I asked for a different trainer and was given an appointment with Tyrone for Friday. Thursday, I got a call from Nick apologizing for the scheduling mistake. He was apparently off for the 4th of July and the over zealous scheduler decided to book him anyway. We set up another appointment for Tuesday. On Friday I went in for my appointment with Tyrone. My appointment was supposed to be a half hour but ended up being an hour and a half. I wish I could say that we were working out, but we were chatting. Tyrone asked to continue to train me. I declined. He's a nice guy and all, but I go to the gym to work out, if you want to chat- buy me a cup of coffee:-) I had my first appointment with Nick the following Tuesday. I'm so glad that I stayed with him. He is the boy version of Star (my Cali trainer and the best trainer in the world- in my opinion anyway). He even made a calender in the back of my book with what days I work which parts. We did an hour of legs, biceps and triceps. I haven't been that sore in a long time and it felt great! I have some unused sessions so we're going to meet for an hour twice a week until the end of August.

My parents are here from Cali. They got to my sister Cara's on Thursday. Unfortunately I won't get to see them much because of my work schedule. Friday we all went out to dinner. During dinner my mom asked what I want to do when I'm in Cali in Aug (I'm going back for 12days for a wedding etc). As I'm sitting with a plate of food in front of me, I started listing all the Cali things I had been missing. It sounded something like this "I want to go get Tapas (Spanish food), I want to go out for Cuban food, I want to go get sushi, I want to get a huge serving of bionico (Mexican fruit desert)..... oh and I want to go to Laguna." Funny (and not too surprising) that I want my time in Cali to revolve around the AMAZING food. Truth be told I'm actually getting hungry even typing it. I booked my ticket today and I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas to come!! Warm weather, no humidity, beach...... need I say more?

It seems the natives are getting restless here. Until next time.....

Monday, July 9, 2007

Weekend Pictures

This weekend was full of activity both happy and sad. There was the picinic at the Teeters, seeing Sheli at camp and little Livi's viewing. Thanks L.T. and Flip for letting me use your computer to upload picts!!

SATURDAY- Picnic at the Teeter
Hanging out at the Teeter house is always a good time but throw in some more good
friends, a few horse shoes, and a little sangria and you have yourself a party. The weather was beautiful- perfect for hanging out late into the night!

(ummmm... obviously the girls weren't camera shy!)

SUNDAY- Sheli at camp
Sunday I left church early to go visit my sister Sheli at camp. She's working at a camp in Mt. Gretna for a few weeks and then will spend a week with me. It was soooo good to see her!! She is as hyper, goofy and dizzy as ever (and I swear she has gotten taller!). While the two pictures of us seem very similar, their not the same. They were obviously taken one right after the other, but I posted both for a good reason... that only Sheli knows.

I do have to give her mad props though. That camp is hilly and sprawling and this weather is (to quote a friend) oppressive.. The last this I would want to do would be to walk all over Gods creation restocking toilet paper in the un- airconditioned shower houses.

SUNDAY EVENING- Alivia Haugherys viewing
Obviously no pictures from viewing (I got this one from a friend) On Friday June 6th, a 2 1/2 year old little girl from my church lost her battle with leukemia. While we rejoice that she is in Heaven, we mourn the loss of her here on earth. Please pray for the James and Emily Haughery and their extended family. Tuesday they lay their only child to rest.
To read about Alivia's Journey through the eyes of her mother Emily, check out their blog at http://www.aliviarachelhaughery32005.blogspot.com/