Sunday, July 29, 2007

I'm a Hermit....

I'm a hermit, but I don't mean to be! Please accept my apologies if you are one of the countless people whom I haven't gotten to spend time with or talk to recently! It's nothing personal I promise. The mixture of working night shift, working overtime, family etc has me running low on time and high on exhaustion. It seems the older I get the faster time slips away. I don't think that is at all fair!! Not when you take into consideration that the older you get the more responsibilities you have- essentially leaving you with more stuff to do and less time to do it in. Where is the sense in that?

I am working the last of a three night stretch now. The weekend hasn't been too bad here on 8W. Although that could change in a matter of seconds. I have one day off and then come back in for three more days(nights) of fun. I live and breathe in a "work bubble" as Laura called it. Being away from home and friends is beginning to wear on me. I need a voice of reason when I'm looking at the schedule and contemplating more overtime. Last night I was doing such a thing when my friend Jodi said, "don't do it! You sign up and then regret doing it when you get here." I heeded her warning half way and only signed up for 2 shifts instead of 4. I closed my planner and decided that it was enough. All this overtime and working does have a purpose... multiple purposes actually. Specifically, house projects. After I return from Cali in Aug, my big bathroom project begins... or continues. I mean seriously, for 4 years my bathroom has been in a state of disrepair- it's time. Other projects include painting, painting, more painting, new bilco (sp?) doors for the basement, ceiling fans.... etc.

So please forgive me dear friends! Lancaster and Cali seem the same right now- I don't get to see anyone. I miss you all tremendously!!!!


LauraJoy said...

I miss you tons too. It definitely feels like it's been forever. Maybe this weekend sometime or after we get back from our vacations we could actually have a real life face-to-face conversation! What a novel idea ;)
Seriously, tho...I know the overtime things is so tempting (as I picked up 2 OT shifts last week!), but don't run yourself too ragged, ok? Have a good week!! :)
luv u,

Julie Garner said...

Work bubbles are totally uncool. In fact, I rather hate them.

I'm loving coffee dates though! Woo hoo! Now THAT is something to look forward to!

Oh, and your post about the flu...cracking up! Now, see, with me I like, "Remember that time I got the stomach flu and lost 10 pounds in a week. Yeah, I wish I would get that again!" Ha ha! But catching up on sleep is also good.

Love ya, Friend! Can't wait to see your face!
