Thursday, July 26, 2007

It's Official.....

It's official- I miss Cali. My parents picked up Sheli yesterday morning so I could nap before going to work. They'll all be flying out tomorrow morning. My time with Sheli seemed way too short! We had plans to go to NYC on Monday but the weather wasn't agreeable. We ended up spending the entire day (well over 12hours) at King of Prussia. There was no Central Park, no Statue of Liberty but we still had a great time. While there a sales girl asked how we knew each other. When we said we were sisters she looked a little puzzled and began questioning which parent we shared or if we just meant "really good friends." Fast forward on day- we were at the gym talking to Tyrone. After I introduced Sheli he paused a second and said "oh yeah, I can see a resemblance." Go figure:-) Our other activities included the movies, the gym, dinner at Aunt Faithe's and sitting on the front porch watching the ghetto folk (true story- very entertaining!). I am tired!!

Having them around really makes me miss California. Also making me a little "California sick" is some anxiety about being able to go back (don't they say "you want what you can't have") I checked San Antonio's website to see the job posting and much to my horror, they aren't hiring any permanent staff for the position I fill. That may initially seem like a good thing, but it's not. If they don't have a hole to fill, they won't be hiring temporary staff (me) to fill it. This leaves me in a quandary of sorts. See, I just found out the floor I work on now won't be needing travelers after Oct (when my contract ends), so I can't just extend. This leaves only a few options. Sign a full 13week contract in PA with another hospital, sign a contract in CA with another hospital, or pick a coast to live on and get "a real job." With this new information has come a revelation- the decision about where to live may be more near than I hoped or anticipated ( Of course I should have expected it- I recently prayed that God would show me what my plans were and what His plans were with regards to school, work and pretty much every aspect of life). I am trying hard not to panic about a decision, finances (can't afford to be permanent staff at LGH), life plans, relationships and the fact that if I were just married this wouldn't even be an issue(:-) Fortunately I'll be in Cali in just a few short weeks for a much needed vacation. and plan on talking the director myself (hoping that she'll make a hiring exception for me). Here's hoping!!!


Johnny Teeter said...

My sweet Bethany,

Sounds like God is truly answering your prayer for complete direction... don't panic, but enjoy the clarity! He WILL provide for ALL of your needs! And trust me when I say that the east coast is truly a delight! :) I miss you tons and tons! :) So glad you had such a great time with your wonderful family!

Love ya tons!

Lisa :)

Julie Garner said...

If you were married you would just have different problems and need to solve them with someone else--which might sound glorified right now, but isn't always that easy. So...I'm still rooting for you getting married, but just wanted to throw in those two cents!

Don't live in Cali! I can't stand it!!! My heart would ache. I hardly see you now and you're in Lancaster...I would never see you again if you moved to Cali. Sadness abounds at the thought!

But enough drama...

It's in the Lord's hands! It trust Him.

Hugs & a smooch!

P.S. Oh, Tyrone...yes, you WOULD see the resemblence, wouldn't you? Duh!

LauraJoy said...

Ditto Julie :(
I miss you! Call me!