Saturday, August 2, 2008


So I'm not soooo lame (or, shall I say, technologically challenged) that I can't add a link to a site that may or may not have a more complete picture gallery from Jamie and Jason's trip with captions. If I did I think that link may look something like this- Jamie's blog but maybe not. I don't know, I'm just sayin is all.

I am, however, lame enough to not be able to change my blog template to a template from blogskins and even more embarrassingly, unable to upload a new picture of myself for my profile- even with instructions. Yeah I know... lame!!!! So, I'm currently taking applications for a site administrator. This of course is an unpaid position that requires the applicants to not only be able to do trivial computer tasks but more importantly be able to keep me from backing over my lap-top repeatedly. Please apply in the comment section of this post.

In the meantime, I'm heading to the beach with a book, journal and bible for the evening to get a little "alone time." I sincerely believe the beach is good for my soul. Funny story: I was making that very exclamation one evening to a friend when another friend who happened to be near by piped in and said "it's true, she's actually nice when she comes back." True story on many accounts!