Monday, August 11, 2008

A Long and Sad Goodbye

Tonight I said goodbye to one of my most favorite boys.

John was honestly an unlikely friend. He was the close friend of someone I was seriously crushing on. Initially he hung out to be the "third person" when we would do things. In the beginning I was slightly annoyed by him. His presence kept conversation from getting too deep (and quite frankly kept me from flirting shamelessly) but as my crush faded, we continued to hang out, and he is now one of my closest friends here. Only a handful of people can make me laugh as hard as he can (seriously, who wears a sparkly pink girl shirt with cap sleeves that says "Let's focus on me" to his birthday party) while remaining a amazing sounding board, not to mention a strong voice of reason.

He has very quickly become one of my favorite things about California life. So why goodbye....? here's the kicker- Tomorrow at 6am he is leaving to move to..... wait for it..... Philadelphia!!!!!!! Ironic huh?? Tonight was the last I'll see of a friend whom I'm used to seeing or talking to almost daily until October, and saying goodbye nearly (but not quite) brought me to tears.

Good bye #2 Kymbri is one of the most amazing unjaded, trusting young women I have ever met. There is a sweet innocence about her that makes it hard to believe that she has experienced any turmoil in her life ever... but that's definitely not the case. God has blessed her with amazing resiliency. She and I became close when we were the only two girls on a Colorado trip this past spring. We did everything together for a week, and I mean everything!!! I marveled (and still do) at her ability to have complete unwavering faith in God. She, with John, who happens to be her boyfriend, is leaving tomorrow morning at 6am to head to east coast where she'll be starting at Messiah in a few weeks.

The past few days have been a big long goodbye party. My heart is both sad for me, and excited for them (truthfully I'm a little more sad than excited... okay much more sad actually)!

1 Comment:

LauraJoy said...

Holy blogging, Batman! I came on to see if you updated since you changed your background and lo and behold...not 1, not 2, but 3 updated posts! YAY! So good to see what you're up to and how God continues to work in your life. Makes me miss ya even more! Let's talk soon, ok??
love ya girl,