Sunday, September 14, 2008

San Diego, The House, Fusion

San Diego

This past week I spent a chunk of time in San Diego for a work conference. The conference was "Dilemma's in Wound Care." It came to my attention recently, that not many people really have an idea what I do at work these days... but trust me when I say, you may be better off, or at least able to hold food down, if I don't give too many details. What I will tell you, is that in a nut shell, what I do is wound care. I'm not talking about clean surgical incisions, I'm talking deep, dead tissue filled gaping, beside surgery nasty nasty wounds... yeah- I wield a mean scalpel. One of the perks (or the stressful part depending on how you look at it) is that it requires a ton of extra training, so I get to go to conferences, conferences that are usually in fun San Diego. I went down Wednesday evening, had the conference Thursday and drove home Friday afternoon. Now, I am fully aware that I could have cut one of those days out, San Diego is only two hours away. But I turned off my cell phone, left my school books in the car, and took some time for a personal retreat. Truthfully, I looked into staying friday night as well, but the weekend rate for the hotel I stayed at was absurd. And oh, what a hotel it was (pictured above). It was called "The Dana" and sat right on Mission Bay/Beach. My room was on the second floor and had a balcony that overlooked the water. But what was better than the room was the absolute beauty of the hotel grounds. There was lush tropical plants, ground lighting along waters edge paths, an out door restaurant where the only lighting were wrought iron torches. enclosed heated outdoor pools- it was beautiful. In spite of all that, I just wanted to rest and be quite for a bit. I spent the majority of the time in my room. on the balcony away from the other hotel guests... I am realizing that scheduling time away from my crazy world is something I need to do more often....

The House
Hopefully sometime this week my house will officially be on the market... hopefully. The fact that it's not already is no one's fault but my own. I have the paper work, it's just finding time to fill it all out and fax it (tomorrow I have the day off and it's at the top of the to do list). It has actually taken me quite awhile to come to the decision to sell it. I love that place, even in all it's ghetto-ness- it's one of the things that ties me to Pennsylvania. I have so many memories in that house.... But Jamie is moving out in Oct, and winter will be upon...the northeast...soon. I'm not excited about dealing with an empty house from across the country, or about finding new renters. Since I'm pretty set about staying here, selling it, or at least attempting too, is the smartest option. Honestly, I am both sad and relieved by the decision, but I definitely have peace about it. So if you think of me and/or the house, please pray that it sells quickly (inspite of the market).

FUSION (LC this is for you!!)
Last but not least, my friend Laura requested some information from me that I thought others might be able to use. A little background- Fusion is the young adult ministry of the church Christian Assembly (Eagle Rock). The ministry has grown so large (400+ 18-35yr/olds) that it has it's own worship service on Sunday evenings. I had been praying for a place to get involved and get connected with people my own age but I didn't want it to interfere with my involvement in my home church and thus force me to constantly be choosing which to go to. Fusion was a suggestion of a friend and I have been enjoying checking it out for the last little bit(ummm yeah... where but So Cal would you find a small group that goes surfing every saturday morning followed by biblestudy on the beach?? Yes please!!). I checked the website several times before venturing to it to see what it was all about and stumbled onto the "Life Journal" (okay not really stumbled, it's really easy to find on the opening page). It's an online daily scripture reading tool great for people who are stuck at a desk for a portion of their day and tend to be slackers (or over-committed) in their free time (I'm speaking about myself). Basically, it gives you a link to the scripture and then has spaces for you to free text what it's saying or what the Lord is speaking to you through it, how you're life will be different because of it, and a prayer of response. Each gets saved to complete a "journal" that you can later look back on(should you so desire) to see the theme of Gods work in your life. Best part, it's free and you don't need to be a member or even live in the state to register and begin using it. So journal away all you fellow desk jockey's!!! (I linked it to the CA homepage... the life journal link is on the right side).


Dani said...

great update! =) hope all goes well with the house...
i have to admit, i spent the majority of the post with images of "wound care" and a churning stomach! LOL I don't know how you do your job,'re an amazing woman.

LauraJoy said...

Girly...the link don't work!
But I still love ya ;)

kingfamily said...

Hey Bethany, Our house just sold in 12 days! Rolland said their is still a great market for first time homes in Lancaster.
Praying, Brandi