Tuesday, October 14, 2008

lessons learned

SOOOOOO... I was in PA for a week about a week ago. And yes I'm a slacker, but only in the blog world. But lets be honest... it's not like it's been 2months or anything (eh hemmmm :-). And when the plane landed in Cali, I hit the ground running. I slept a few hours went to work, and then had a week full of community dinner, Pasadena, started a new Bible/book study with the ladies (started an amazing book which I'm sure I'll have occasion to write about in the future) had a house concert, made breakfast for the youth group, taught Sunday school.... oh, and I was/am in school full time.... just thinking about it makes my head spin. Truthfully I still haven't completely unpacked.... alright, no judging my house keeping skills, I'm perfectly content with my clothing chaos. Anyway, all that said, I have been thinking, I need to blog but time has a way of getting away.

So without further ado, here's a bit about my trip to the good ole, good ole. Pennsylvania. My trip had some specific objectives 1) to clean the rest of the stuff out of my house (specifically the basement) 2) to meet my Realtor 3)see family and friends. (2 outta 3 isn't bad right?). It goes without saying that visiting a place you once called home makes you realize some lessons learned. Here are some that I learned during my week:

1) If you want pictures you have to actually use your camera. ummm yeah- I had my camera with me and yet, I had to ask people to email pictures... even then, I still have no pictures of anyone from 1st Friday, my grandparents, my house, Jamie, John, Jeff and Leslie, etc......:-(.... maybe I should take it out of my suitcase next time.

2) My grandparents are like Rose and Noah from The Notebook. Most of you know my grandmother isn't doing well. At times during my visit she thought I was her cousin. That's a huge part of the reason my sister and I made the trip. Anywho- my grandfathers day is dedicated to caring for her. He gladly does everything. He made the comment at dinner "She did everything for me most of my life, this is the least I can do for her." (sigh....) that's love.

3) It is entirely possible for weather to hurt your feelings All I'm going to say is that it's not cool to wear a snow suit when your past a certain age.... trust me on this.

4)Surprisingly, my basement isn't scary especially when you close the door and pretend it doesn't exist, which explains the 2 outta 3.

5)Dutch Wonderland isn't for sissy's. Ok, in my defense, those swings are vicious, especially when preceded by the Dutch Vonder Haus.

6) Never, under any circumstances, eat two Turkey Hill green chili cheese burritos with in a 24hour period. Thankfully, this lesson was learned vicariously.

7) and last but not least I love my friends- Ok- this one I already knew. I have some of the best friends ever who are able to pick up where we left off and talk as though it hasn't been forever.

For those of you I didn't get to see and those whom I didn't get to see long, please know that it wasn't for lack of desire. I think I'd need to move back to spend as much time with as many people as I'd like too. I'll be back soon for sure- my house isn't sold yet (Danielle I saw your comment right before I left. So sorry! Next time, I promise).

1 Comment:

Dani said...

no problem! =) I figured you probably had a hectic schedule. I don't have your phone number anymore, otherwise I would have called to chat. =)
Hope everything works out with Ann. I'll be praying.