Monday, October 20, 2008

Wild Weekend

One thing I have come to appreciate is how Cali life and my personality fit so well together. Here in California, at least the part that I live in, there is always something to do, some sorta something to be involved in. To some, that sounds exhausting, rightly so. To me however, someone who thrives on people and for the most part is indifferent (within reason) to how time is spent as long as it's with said people; life here is a constant, continuous refueling... if that makes sense. This weekend was crazy- crazy busy and crazy fun!!

Friday night I went flying. That's right flying. A friend of mine is a pilot and invited a group of us to go for a "flight." We left just before sunset and flew until it was dark, landed, got coffee and flew some more. I have never been in a small plane (and by small I mean there were 4 seats including that of the pilot). But it was so fun and beautiful. I took these pictures with my phone (yeah... still haven't learned my camera lesson). It was the perfect evening to fly. The sky was clear and beautiful. We talked of future plans to fly up the coast to a place where you can land on the beach and camp. mmmm- the beach and camping and flying..... dreamy! (although there was some question as to where we put the surf boards for the flight:-)

On Saturday, after a long day of homework, I moseyed on into Pasadena to go swing dancing. Crazy huh?? Ok, I'm going to honest here- I don't swing dance. I merely went with my friend Corrie, who does by the way swing dance... quite well actually, to a special studio something or other. I didn't dance, though I was asked several times and offered a quick lesson by those asking. I thought it better that I observe and then get a lesson or 20 before participating. It was amazing! I learned toward the end of the night, after having been thoroughly amazed by boys flipping girls every which way, that, oh yeah... that guy, he's the West Coast Swing Champion, and oh those two, they dance professionally... and so on. Of course my role of protecting the couch from getting kicked or bumped or run into by crazy dancing fools, with my body was invaluable. Again these pictures were taken with my phone from the comfort of the couch, so the quality isn't that great. I don't think you'll be able to see it, but there is a guy in the green striped shirt with the girl in the striped shirt in the center of the first picture. He's a crazy flipper. My goal is to some day be able to dance with him.... I said goal... as in long term:-)

Friday also happened to be my good friend Alex's birthday! So we had several celebrations. One Thursday night into Friday morning... (ok, this was really just 4 us hanging out talking which lasted later than expected, but we still said Happy Birthday when the clock struck midnight.) One Saturday evening prior to swing dancing, and one on Sunday (which doubled as a youth leader meeting). Who knew turning 34 required such celebrating. No pictures of the parties, but for posterity sake, here's a picture of Alex singing with Sam, his son, last week at a house concert ( I believe the song was one that Sam wrote about sneezing... seriously the kid is turning three).
Now, with all the weekend behind me, it's back to work and back to school. This week is finals week. I had hoped to get my ethics final finished tonight, but you know..... maybe tomorrow. I'm tired!