Sunday, October 19, 2008


Thanks to all who are praying for my family and for Ann. Here's an update on the whole situation.

Thursday afternoon, Ann's mom started telling people that Ann would be staying until Monday. When my dad investigated, he found that was either a miscommunication or a lie. When confronted, Ann's mom exploded and told my dad (using plenty of expletives) to back off. From there a "discussion" regarding Ann's options at discharge began. The mom had been refusing to give up custody, even temporarily, which is why everyone involved was willing to take legal action. When faced with the option of willingly giving up custody or having it taken, the mom decided to give custody to the paternal grandparents. The conversation with the parents and my dad ended like this: The mom: "I know you wouldn't do that, I know its just a threat." My dad: "test me (name) test me, and I'll see you in court." (Can I just stop and say how much I love my dad!!! Watching him fight for this broken girl gives me a heightened sense of respect for him and makes me proud to be his daughter).

I went to visit Ann on Thursday evening. She looked the best I have ever seen her and was in good spirits. She was not thrilled about going to be with her grandparents, but said that it was better than being with her parents. Ann was discharged on Friday and is at her grandparents now.

I think that being with her grandparents is better than being with her parents, but wonder if it is only a temporary fix. It is a better option, but I'm not convinced it's the best. My heart wants her to be with us and knows she will blossom if given the opportunity.

Through all this, Sheli has been amazing! The extent to which she has grown up is astounding. The girl that was once afraid to order a drink at Starbucks (seriously) was able to clearly and confidently tell her birth mother that she was wrong, that she was being selfish and that she is an unfit mother. She was able to tell my parents how she would feel in Ann were to move in. This is so huge!!! Those who know Sheli and her story know that she has lived in fear of having an opinion, fear of voicing her thoughts and was crippled by insecurity for reasons not needing mentioned here. But suddenly, she has seemed more like an adult and less like a kid. I love that girl!!!

Thanks for your prayers, and keep praying. I don't see this turmoil with Ann ending anytime soon.

1 Comment:

LauraJoy said...

Thanks for the update. SO proud of Sheli (I remember the days of her being intimidated to order for herself at the Starbucks!) and so amazed at how your family continues to fight and care for these girls. I'll keep praying for the whole situation. Love to all! :)