Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am sitting in Panera here in good 'ole Lancaster. I am supposed to be working on school, but am having a hard time concentrating. Beside me is a rousing conversation about Annemarie and here multiple love interests. I don't know Annemarie, but her sister is sitting at the next table with a friend and is quite excited about the prospect of a new brother-in-law (or two depending on how Annemarie plays her cards from the sound of it).

I have only been here for little over 24hours and have seen some of the people who have been most important in my life. Others, just as important, I have yet to see, some I may not see. As I listen to the exclamation of Matt's love for Annemarie (though she says he's like the 'best friend' of the male lead in a movie) I am struck by the ever changing nature of life and relationships. It is interestingly amazing to see how we grow and move in and out of worlds, how we are shaped each in our own time, with our own set of choices and circumstances, with our own purpose and direction, how it doesn't ever look the way we think it should or the way anyone else thinks it should. How growth can be uncomfortable, sometimes painful, to some extent un-understandable to anyone but the One that growing us and how that's okay. How friendships can be intense and short while others ebb and flow with grace and strength that grows lifetimes. How each are important and each have their distinct purpose, seen or unseen. And how we are never as lost as we think or feel we are.

I drove through Lancaster last night and smiled at all the sweet memories I had of different places, with different people, but I also smiled at the hard parts, the dreams unfulfilled, prayers seemingly unanswered, feelings of awkwardness, the trying to figure out who I was. My journey thus far has not been a straight shot from point A to point B, but a maze of wonderings often doubling back on itself, going left when I should have gone right, speaking when I should have been silent, offering too much or not enough.... but it is my journey none-the-less, and I am overwhelmed by God's goodness.

As for Matt and Annemarie, the sister doesn't give it much hope and neither do I. The best friend to the male lead in a movie doesn't typically get the girl, I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.

1 Comment:

Dani said...

how long are you in lancaster? i'd love to see ya before you head back west! =)