Friday, February 9, 2007

Furnace Frenzy

This is the first (and probably last) time I've blogged at work. Here at San Antonio Community Hospital only one computer per unit has intranet access. Which is perfectly okay because there is rarely time to get on and surf the net! When I got here I thought it was going to be CRAZY, and it was but has since slowed down (unfortunately, the morning promises to be equally as crazy. I have a cardioversion with a cardiologist to do before I leave..... basically, we put the patient to sleep and use the crash cart to shock their heart back into a normal rhythm and then wake them up..... sorta like something you'd see on ER. I get to do the shocking! And yes, they really do jump off the bed when you shock them. Not my favorite thing to do..... sorta freaks me out. It's cool when it goes well, ugly when it doesn't).

I owe a big huge thank you to Stephen, my brother-in-law Joe, my dad and some guy named Steve that I've never met. Sometime this past weekend my furnace stopped working. Lisa Teeter checked on the house on Friday and it was nice and warm. But by Monday when Stephen stopped by the house freezing and the heat was off. LUCKILY none of the pipes had burst (Thank you Jesus). Stephen restarted it and rechecked on Tuesday. It was off again. When he restarted it smoke and water started coming out of it. Of course I was clueless (what's new:-) being 3000 miles away isn't very helpful because when Stephen called to tell me I was nice and toasty in my bed sleeping. Luckily, my dad is in PA right now, so I called him. (he always says that he feels bad that he can't help my do stuff to the house because he's so far away). He and Joe went over to the house to see if they could fix it. But they couldn't either. So Joe pulled some strings and had a co-worker from Leo Kolb (Steve) come to fix it. So Stephen, Steve, Joe and my dad (whose name is also Steve..... what coincidence:-) set out to fix it. I'm not exactly sure what all they did but I know they were there for awhile. When I talked to my dad on Tuesday he thought they had it all figured out. His plan was to go check it on Wednesday morning. When he got there the house was cold and the furnace wasn't working AGAIN!!!!!!!! I woke up to a message from dad saying that Joe was going to call Steve and they would figure something out.

By this time, I'm feeling like I should be on the first plane home, regretting my decision to stay here until spring and feeling completely guilty that I wasn't there to at least be there and feed them (obviously I know absolutely NOTHING about my furnace except that it costs a lot to get oil put in it and that it's bad if it doesn't work).
Leo Kolb Steve came back over Wednesday afternoon and replaced the burner motor (don't ask, I don't know) and it seems to be working fine. Crisis averted!

Thank you Lori and Laura for running keys where they needed to go, when they needed to be there. Thank you Stephen for checking on the house when you did before all the pipes froze and for going back there the next day and checking again, not to mention for helping Joe and the other Steves work on it. Thanks Joe for the string pulling and for coming to your annoying sister-in-laws rescue.....again:-) Thanks Leo Kolb Steve; who ever you are. And thanks dad for being my dad, you're the greatest, I love you!

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

so glad things worked out! that's funny how there were lots of "Steve"'s involved...