Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Top Ten reasons I'm glad I'm single around Valentines Day

10. I can commiserate with my sister who just broke up with her boyfriend (sorry sis:-(

9. I get to sleep in the middle of the bed...... every night

8. The toilet seat is always down and the there is always

7. All my "coupled" friends took off of work leaving plenty of overtime for me to pick up. (is it legal to work for two people at once?)

6. Dining in a restaurant alone builds character

5. I don't have to share the amount I set aside for my Starbucks budget with anyone.

4. I don't feel tempted to eat an entire box of chocolates given to me by a loved one undoing all my hard work at the gym.

3. I don't risk the chance of developing allergies* from valentines day flowers
(* Researchers now say that seasonal allergies can develop at any time, at any age,
for any reason and can sometimes, though rarely, result in anaphylaxis and death)

2. If I don't feel like doing the dishes I can leave them until the next day....or the next day......or the next day..........

AND the number one reason I'm glad that I'm single right now......

1. I don't have to shave my legs.......... EVER!



Unknown said...


I think you got everything covered!

Anonymous said...

Beth, I do believe you are probably the funniest woman I know. Although I am one of your "couple" friends now, it wasn't too long ago that I lived the "rich" single life -- and your top 10 list hits the nail on the head -- ha ha!!! I love ya tons dear friend!!!!!! So sorry it's been forever since I've emailed or is insanely busy right now, especially at work. I hope to talk to you soon...and I miss you like crazy! Love, Lori