Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Today marks a year that my sister Sheli moved in. My parents adopting her (they actually have legal guardianship, her mom handed over parental rights and her dad is not in the picture. For all intents and purposes we treat it like an adoption because to us she's an official part of the family) was kind of a surprise. I remember around Christmas time 2005 my parents sat me down and said they needed to ask me a question. They told me about a 13 year old girl that went to church and all the crazy circumstances around why she was about to become a ward of the state ( I would go into detail but for the her sake, I'll just say things weren't good). My parents asked if I would mind having another sister..... I kinda laughed and said "I already have 3 what's one more?" Not much was said about it for several weeks. Then one Sunday at church I happened to bump into her. I had never met her or even seen a picture of her. In my head she was this little girl about 5 foot, more like a child then an adult. I was wrong (and shocked). Sheli is tall. She towers over me at 5'9''. She is drop dead gorgeous and looks every bit of 21 years old. She was (and I mean WAS) quiet and agreeable to a fault, but by appearances only.

I don't think my parents knew what they were in for a year ago, a lot of tears, even more laughs and a sudden submersion into pop teen culture and all that goes with it. But a year later, I know they don't regret it. She has officially kicked Dana out of her place as the "baby." Tonight we celebrated like it was her birthday complete with gifts and cake. My parents house has always been a house full of love, but this year we have been extra blessed!


Anonymous said...

Beth, Please tell Sheli I said, "Happy 1 Year Anniversary!" Also, please tell her that it was so much fun to meet her last year and that I hope I get to see her again some time soon! I couldn't think of a better family for God to place her in :-) Love, Lori

LauraJoy said...

Please tell Shelli hello for me too! It was such fun hanging out with her and getting to know her when I was out there last spring. I'm so glad the Lord placed her in your loving family. Talk to you soon! :)