Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ahhhhhh the beach........

We just got back from a two day beach holiday. Filled with sand, surf and a lot of sun. We body surfed, boogie boarded and got "saved" several times by a few over zealous lifeguards. True Story- Sheli and I were out on the boogie boards. The water was rough and choppy (west coast waves are huge in comparison). There was even talk of a rip tide. We were laughing and having a grand time when a life guard swims to us and tells us to grab on to the "can" with one hand and he'll pull us in. A bit confused, we

look at each other. The life guard suddenly gets an embarrassed look on his face and
says "Or you can put your feet down and walk to shore." We laughed so hard as he walked back to the beach, while we continued standing in the chest high water.
I did have a bit of an accident though (no life guard in sight then). The water had gotten a lot more choppy and the waves were coming in right on top of each other. Boogie board in hand (or rather attached to my hand) I came up for air, and then dove to avoid another wave. The unfortunate part is that I didn't have a good enough grip on my board. It got ripped one way and I the other, pulling my arm in directions it was never intended to go. While under water I felt it pop. When I was finally able to get to my feet, boogie board still attached at the wrist, I could barely move my arm and was in a lot of pain. We got out of the water and sat for awhile. I can use my arm now, but it still hurts to lift it over my head. After that debacle, we ditched the boards and body surfed instead (I figured the water was cold enough to act like ice and at least numb it).
To answer Julie's question- Yep it is always "hopping" here. It's a weird sorta feel here. Everyone is doing something, passionate about something, but it's really laid back too and definitely always a good time:-)


Steph B. said...

Sounds like you are having a great time. I wanna go to the beach. :( So.. since I can't you enjoy it for me :)

Steph Bowman :)

Julie Garner said...

One word...jealousy! (it isn't pretty on me either...ha ha!)

I feel like you deserve a little arm injury for all the fun you're having, don't you? ha ha! Seriously, I hope your arm is doing better.

I notice you blog more on the west coast...interesting! :)

Love you! Miss you!