Tuesday, August 21, 2007

UTOPIAN LOVE STORY II and other Cali Anecdotes

Alright- first things first. I'm home. I arrived back in Lancaster at about 1pm. This trip, although it did involve a delay, was much smoother then the trip getting out there (but really- could it have gotten much worse- I think not!!!!!!).

I do have a funny anecdote for all you ladies who feel like the years are ganging up on you.

At the Quince reception Saturday night long after the dancing had started, I noticed a young 20 something dancing with a 6year old. They were being goofy, he was swinging her around and flipping her every direction. I had seen this guy earlier at Maribel's for appetizers and cocktails so I knew he was family. He and the little girl were very entertaining to watch. I had been foregoing dancing because I was helping my pregnant friend Debbie chase her very energetic sons jade(4yrs) and Nicholas(2years) around. I was swinging Nicholas around as we walked across the dance floor on our way back to Debbie when we were intercepted by the young man and little girl. He introduced himself as Adam and asked if Nicholas and I would like to dance with them. I said sure, when conveniently the little girl, ( I later learned was named Zoe) said "I don't want to dance anymore" so Nicholas, Adam and I were left. When again conveniently, Debbie came and got Nicholas. Adam asked if I wanted to dance, I agreed and we began dancing. After a quick conversation I find out that he is 24, and is Joey's (Maribel's husband) cousin.

For the rest of the evening it was like white on rice friends. I stopped dancing and sat down he followed. I went to get a drink, so did he. I went to the bathroom, he waited. This lasted until about 11pm when could no longer take it and decided to leave. I said thank you for dancing and told him I needed to go pack. He asked if he could have my number. Not really wanting to give it out I decided to pull the age thing and said " you understand I'm 30?" (for those of you keeping track, I turn thirty in 5months) To which he responded "WOW, You look good for being THAT OLD!!!!!!!!!" "Its really not that old" I said.... Mission Accomplished!!!!!!!!

UTOPIAN LOVE STORY II (alternately entitle Fill in the blank CORN_____)

FLAKE! I have to admit this is hard for me to write, simply because my pride is huge.... but here goes.
I spoke with David on Saturday afternoon while en route to Maribel's. I was calling to say thank, knew he was working and was hoping to leave a voice mail. When he answered the phone, I was near speechless. Long story short- we made plans to go out for another glass of wine Sunday evening before I had to head to the airport. We talked about a time and decided that he would call me sometime on Sunday to make arrangements (he was going to be in San Pedro and would be driving back) I was sooooo incredibly nervous that I can't even really remember how the conversation went- but I do know that he was equally as excited about us getting together again so much so that he was going to find out if the place we went to Friday was open and pick a new place if it wasn't.
Sunday rolls around and I have this knot in the pit of my stomach thinking it's not going to work out (I usually get those, I think it's a subconscious way of not getting to excited). when at 4pm he hadn't called I knew that it was a no go (and I refused to call him!), by 7pm he hadn't called, by 9pm when I'm on the way to the airport- still no call. He FLAKED!!!!!
As sad as that is (and believe me, I was sad- and more then a bit confused) the worst part is, I love the his haircuts and totally plan on going back to him.... can you say AWKWARD!!!!!! In an effort to smooth over any tension that may occur when I walk in there next (believe me, I don't want any bad feelings between me and person taking scissors to my head!) I sent a text saying No sweat, that I'd see him in Oct for a haircut.
And that truly is the END of my UTOPIAN LOVE STORY.


Julie Garner said...

The end until October at least...

Good stories, as usual!

Love ya,

Unknown said...

love the stories!

btw, you look great in the pics!
