Monday, August 13, 2007

Birthdays. Weddings and shopping- oh my!


My vacation has been a whirl wind since I got my luggage saturday night. I woke up early on satuday despite my previous lack of sleep and utter exhaustion (darn time change and jet lag). My plans for the day were pretty low key. It was April's 31st birthday. She wanted to move her things back into her classroom (she is a high school english teacher) in the morning and then we were going out to hear a band play that night. When we got to the school we found the janitors waxing her building. She wouldn't be able to move in until Monday. That was just fine with me- I'm not really into manual labor on vacation- April, on the other hand, was quite frustrated. What better way to soothe some irritation on your birthday then with some RETAIL THERAPY? Am I right ladies?

We unloaded the things that couldn't stay in the car and hit the mall with a vengance (actually it was more like Target, Ulta- i love makeup and accessories, Kohls, a short stop for a pedicure and then the mall). After uloading any unwanted (and wanted) cash I had laying around it was time to go home and get ready for our evening out.

We set out for La Habra (30 minute drive) and arrived fashionalby late at a sports bar where some of April's friends play in a band. There were about 20 people there to celebrate. I had unfortunately forgotten my ID, couldn't get in and had to drive back to get it..... ooops. The night was fun, but ended much later then either of us anticipated, not to mention that we picked up another person to take home- Crazy Lilly... the name says it all.

Sunday also proved to be busy. After church we had Aprils birthday meal- taco's and ice box cake.... mmmmmmm. Then headed back to Ulta (okay- I can justify this. I didn't get all that I needed, including Aprils b-day gift. They are having major sales and free gifts that started yesterday so to maximize our free gift potential we went twice) I took a quick nap at home and before I new it, it was time to get ready for the wedding (actually past time to get ready I had to skip a shower).
Lil' Sarah is one of my closest friends out here ( I say little because she barely stand 5foot tall). She and Brian have been together for 6years. Of course we met at work where she was an extern and is now an RN. Their wedding was outside at a country club and had a tahitian theme. It was beautiful! I have never been a fan of light colored tux's but I must say, they may have changed my mind! I got to see a few people from work and had a good time. The sad part about out of town weddings is (besides feeling oddly envious) is that you don't get to spend anytime with the friend getting married. This struck me as I ran to give Sarah a hug and realized that I would be gone when she got back form her honeymoon. I left just as the dancing was starting (you know I'm tired when I don't stay for the dancing!) to head into work to see some people.

Specifically- I needed to see Maribel. She is another reason for this vacation (more like and excuse). Her daughter Franceska is turnign 15 and is having a Qunicenera. My invite got lost in the mail (seriously- not just an excuse. I know this because I got a call asking why I hadn't responded yet). The big shin dig is next Saturday evening and I needed directions. Before comign to Cali, I had heard of Qunice's but never knew the amount of time and money that went into them. They cost as much as a wedding and need just as much, if not more planning! It was fun to see people that I worked with. I had to answer the same question over and over. "When are you coming back?" To which I answered "I don't know." I am hoping have a real answer to that question soon!

Today and tomorrows plans are simple. BEACH. April's friend Lourdes has a house on the beach. After loading her room, April and I are heading down there for some bike riding, body surfing and sun soaking. This white girl needs a tan.... I glow! Sheli will be meeting us this evening for our little getaway.


Julie Garner said...

Oh my gosh! Your time sounds enviable! No wonder you want to go back to Cali. Is it always so hopping and so much fun? And no wonder you're broke! Ha ha! The shopping sounds irresistable!

I had to click on that one picture of you with your friends at the wedding. I wondered why Lori Randolph was there. I thought she was the girl on the right end. Turns out, it wasn't her and didn't even really look like her when it was zoomed in.

Keep having fun and soak up some sun for me, Babe!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, Julie! I thought the same thing about the girl on the end...I was like, "Wow! That chic looks a lot like me. Beth must really miss me when she's on the West Coast...because she's got a West-Coast Lori...ha ha!"

Beth, all I got to say is that you look Fab-THIN-ulous in that dress you were to the wedding. You looked absolutely gorgeous and SKINNY!!!

Love ya, Lori