Saturday, August 4, 2007

Vacation- The Endangered Species

Yesterday I was in a tearful panic due to a miscommunication with a house sitter. To make a long story short- it wasn't going to work for her to stay here and 11 days is too long to leave the boys without someone to love them. I'll be the first to admit that having dogs does hamper ones ability to pick up leave and trying to find someone to stay with my precious (no comment dad) little pups 5 days before a planned vacation (in which the non transferable/non-refundable ticket costs $500) is enough to send this girl into a tizzy!

By 6pm Friday I had called everyone I knew (and some that I didn't) asking if they or anyone they knew to be even remotely trust worthy would be willing to house sit. I believe my words were "even if its your moms cousins sisters uncles stepson who's visiting from El Salvador." With no definite answers, knowing the how hard it had been to find the first house sitter (seems most people I know are going on vacation the same week!), I was ready to make two phone calls, the first to my family telling them I wouldn't be coming, the second to the airline begging them to give me my money back or even better to let me transfer the ticket to different dates (even though it would mean I would miss the wedding, my sisters birthday and the Quince, anytime in Cali would be nice).

Thankfully, just as I had resigned myself to my California-less fate, my phone rang. A sweet girl from work (who I had left two messages for earlier in the day- two messages in an hour don't equate to phone stalking do they?) called to say she would be willing to stay for a week, with Laura taking over the last couple days (Laura you are always a life saver!!! thank you for helping even though that weekend is CRAZY for you! I owe you big!!!!) Excited and relieved I made plans with her to come over and get acquainted with the dogs and the house tonight. If she would have been here in person I probably would have jumped on her and hugged her.

Crisis Averted, Vacation Saved!!! Now it's time to start packing!

PS- isn't that the cutest picture of Sid? I couldn't sleep one afternoon before work (shocker) and looked down and saw him... its a little blurry but is still sweet.


Jack and Gina Plain said...

Fun catching up with your life on your blog. I read once in a blue moon so I have to read and read to catch up. It does sound like you are missing California more than you are missing PA when you are in CA. Yikes. Maybe that's because I've only read posts that you wrote in PA. It must be confusing emotionally to be living this split life. And then you are so busy with work and working these crazy hours. But it all sounds very exciting. Where do you feel that you grow more spiritually? Hope you have a wonderful and sounds like - much needed - vacation.

Love, Gina

Julie Garner said...

You're on your way to Cali now! I'll miss you!!! Have fun and don't worry about the kids back here. They're having fun with the babysitter. Oh, and don't worry about me either...I'm having fun with the Jude Bug and Dan. Those two guys are cool.

Love you!!! Give us a quick update if you have time.


LauraJoy said...

I was thinking of you today too and how you're winging off to Cali. SOOO jealous!!
I agree with Julie, please do update while you're out there if you can. Pictures too...especially if you go to Laguna (or any beach for that matter!!
Have a BLAST :)