Friday, August 17, 2007

Hair Today- Gone Tomorrow

(Alternately titled Utopian Love Story)

Picts of the new do'

I had wanted to go to the beach today. That was my original plan. One of my goals for the trip was to get my haircut. I usually drive to Long Beach (an hour away without traffic- there is ALWAYS traffic here). But the price of gas as well as the price of haircuts (not to mention color) has risen while my budget has shrunk. My sister gave me the name of the guy that cuts her hair. I tried to make an appointment in the beginning of the week but unfortunately he was booked- bummer! They did put me on the cancellation list- in the slight chance he had and opening. Amazingly, David called Wednesday with an opening today at 1:30pm. Although I was sad the my beach plans were squelched, I was excited that I would be getting a new Cali do.

I arrived at Utopia (the salon) slightly early not knowing what to expect. David wasn't there yet. The salon was this trendy place purple walls, brushed metal fixtures and mirrors, flat screen panels on the walls, and independent art work scattered about. I was greeted by a tall thin girl, with bright pink chunky hair, sitting behind a chest high desk. I knew that this was a full service salon, so as I expected, the receptionist asked if I wanted a drink. I declined and waited for David. David arrived shortly after me. In his 30's, he is slight shorter then I, with a shaved head (wearing a hat) and a gotee. He had tattoos on both arms and a very warm smile. He took me to his station, and we discussed how I wanted my hair cut and colored. He obviously new what he was doing, telling me that he thought putting in low lights was better then highlights and giving his opinion on hair length. He began doing my hair and we talked about everything under the sun, from travels, to family, to music...etc. He gave me a tour of the adjoining spa, including showing me the art work he had just bought for his house.

While he was cutting, we began talking about wine tasting (if you know me well, you know that I am a wine fan, and enjoy wine tasting). He told me about a new place down the street, stating that if he didn't already have a client he would go with me when my hair was finished- but unfortunately he did. "Nice gesture" I thought "but I was already going to give you a big tip anyway, no need to act like you were going to ask me out." While he was blow drying my hair, he began looking around. Soon he was obviously looking to the front of the shop, and checking his phone. I apologized for taking so long, knowing that we were running late because we had spent most of the time talking. "No" he said, "my next client is never late, and she not here. It's almost worrisome."

When my haircut ended, he walked me to the front of the shop, I payed and was ready to leave when he said "Let me sweep up and lets go have a glass of wine." I made some comment about drunk haircutting being the next extreme sport and we were off. The place was only about half a block away and was empty when we got there (by now it was 3:30pm). I ordered (he payed) and went to a cozy little table in the corner. We talked and laughed like we had been friends since childhood (believe it or not I DO get extremely nervous on "dates" so that is amazing). Before long it was 5pm, and time for his next appointment. After a discussion about wanting his next client to cancel so we could continue hanging out, he called the shop to find out that they weren't there yet. Our excitement was only short lived because they called him back almost immediately to say that she had just arrived. We walked back to the salon, said goodbye, gave a quick hug and went our separate ways.

That is the end of my Uptopian Love Story:-(

Needless to say, i can't wait to get my haircut again.

1 Comment:

LauraJoy said... need to come home because you are a freakin Cali dating machine ;)
And imagine the luck of finding an attractive male hairstylist that should we say...likes girls!?!
Glad you got to have a nice time out...again. Oh, you know I tease simply out of jealousy.
But seriously, can't wait till your back. If only for a brief moment in time!
One more thing...LOVE LOVE LOVE the haircut. So freakin Cali I can't even stand it. I bet your glad you went for the Victoria Beckham cut. Looks HOT baby!! :)