Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Girls Bible Study

Tonight I was invited to attend the senior high girls bible study at church. No, they don't think I'm still in high school. My friend Jacquie leads it and invited me to "co-lead" (meaning come and hang out) on weeks I'm not working. This week was the beginning of a study on intimate friendship with God. To kick start the study Jacquie invited an art therapist to spend the evening us. Kayla was Jacquie's roommate in college and is a very strong christian. The evening began with prayer and then Kayla asked us to say what first comes to mind when we think about God.

Each of the girls went around a said very "Sunday school" answers like "caring," "good".... etc. Next she gave us each a sheet of paper and supplied us with different mediums to use to creatively show our relationship with God including pastels, chalk, and magazine cut outs. She instructed us to work silently and concentrate only on our own picture giving us 15 minutes to complete the task.

This is what mine looked like at the end of the 15minutes.
I originally drew it longs ways. The colors symbolizing my relationship with God feeling like hot and cold. The blue being like the ocean, the cold time and the red being like fire, the hot times. There is a very fine line in the middle which is the balance that I find soooo elusive. When I shared with the rest of the group, Jacquie reminded me that water is cleansing, and that though cold is not comfortable it is necessary, even in terms of relationship to God. Even more cleansing is the motion of "churning" like in a washing machine or the ocean. One of girls said to me, "the blue looks like it says something." I turned it to the side to find this.
"Sage." It was COMPLETELY unintentional, and even though that is clearly what it says, I didn't even notice it until Roxy pointed it out. Kayla reminded me that "they say there are no mistakes in art." I got home and looked up sage in the dictionary to find these two definitions.

1) A wise and trusted guide 2) green leaves used in medicine for healing.

A gentle reminder that even in the "cold" times I have a wise and trusted guide, and that He is providing healing.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


I'm realizing that my vacations in Cali are far more exciting then my real life in Cali. I've slipped back into the usual pattern of going to work, going to the gym and going to Starbucks to read. I would say that this isn't all bad, or even a little bit bad, just an adjustment.

It is easy for me to feel bored these days, but unmotivated to do anything at the same time. I think there are couple reasons for this. The main reason being that I was so crazy busy before I left that not having a "to do" list a mile long leaves with no feeling of purpose, nothing I'm working towards. Don't get me wrong, I know there is a purpose to me being here (and I'm sure my free time will decline dramatically when I start school in January). It's just that that purpose isn't keeping me so busy I barely have time to sleep- right now.

The other reason is that even though I do have friends here, the friend with whom I spent the most time with on previous stays and I are no longer communicating. We seem to have parted ways, he going one way, me going the other. That leaves a big chunk of time, (or at least it feels like it) when I could be hanging out, going to the movies, drinking coffee....etc that I'm not. Again- this isn't bad, just an adjustment- and motivation to get connected somewhere, although, I'm not sure where yet.

My sister has been gracious enough to let me be her tag along (this is nothing new:-) Yesterday we went to a birthday party for a 1 yr old. First let me preface this by saying they are Mexican and when they party, they party right- even if it's for a 1yr old. I have known Fred and Michelle since my first trip out, been to there wedding and hung out with their friends, family etc on several occasions. It was their daughter, Yazmeen, that turned one. And to give you an idea of the magnitude of this shin-dig, I'll just say , they invited 115 friends, family, family of friends and friends of family. There were kids and people everywhere. We arrived at 12pm to help set up and then left at 8pm, even though the party wasn't over. It boasted a full lunch spread, an afternoon of children's games, a pinata and more. I always forget, until I'm at one of these functions, the typical greeting and goodbye of a hug and kiss on the cheek even if your barely acquaintances. This happens regardless of gender or marital status. I must admit that I think this does make people feel more welcome, at least it does me. By the end of the evening I was playing a game of hide and seek with adults, conducted by a 5 year old.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Back to Work

I went back to work at San Antonio this past Wednesday. It's a little odd to start a contract mid-week, but the hospital was agreeable to it and the extra days to adjust to the time change and catch up on sleep were great.

The reception I received when I got there was amazing. A lot of the my co-workers didn't know I was coming back. I usually go visit when I get into town, before I start, but didn't this time. When I got to the floor, my friend Julie said "It is you!!!" And a group of people came over to give me a hug. My name had shown up on the staffing sheet, some were a little skeptical as to whether the staffing sheet was actually correct, or if there was another Bethany Smith starting.
San Antonio is just a fraction of the size of LGH. And everyone knows everyone, or at least knows who they are. All of critical care is viewed as one unit, even though it is really comprised of 4 telemetry floors, an ICU and a CCU. Because of that, it's not uncommon for nurses to get pulled of their home floor to fill holes, even in ICU/CCU, so there is a lot of camaraderie between units. Even as a traveler I have to take my turn floating various places. I was so blessed when people from other floors came up and said "I heard you were back, I just wanted to say hi."

My first week back I felt like I was fumbling around trying to get back into the routine. I was offered orientation, but declined (the funny part was, I was technically supposed to have it. Lora, one of the nurse managers, came to me before my second night back and said that the educators weren't to happy with her, could I fill out my orientation packet and have a co-worker sign as my preceptor. We laughed at the ridiculousness of it). Bouncing from one hospital to the next can sorta leave you in a fog. I was frequently asking "do you guys _____ (fill in the blank) or was that at my other hospital?" Most people just laughed and told me I had been gone too long. Each night got progressively better.
After three nights in a row and little sleep I am exhausted! I got up early today to go with my Mom and Sister to the Gap (friends and family day = BIG discounts. I was good and only used my dollars for long sleeved tee's to go under my scrubs) and then went to the gym. I'm so tired that I think I my be hallucinating because I think I hear my bed calling me. I'm going to go look into it right now!
Miss you all!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

California Brunette???

The world has always known me as a blond. I was born a blond (okay, I was bald until I was two, but when that hair did finally come in it was blond) and have been various shades of blond since. Today I decided to change that. I have been talking about going darker for awhile just for a change and today that happened. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about it. In the salon I LOVED it. Now out in the real world I barely recognize myself. Because my hair was so light David (formerly from Utopian Love Story) went darker because light hair doesn't hold color well. After a few washings the color will lighted a bit. Also because of my hair being light, I need to wait until the second "darkening" to get highlights( which will still be darker then my natural shade). I'm told it's a process. It "pulled" more red then he thought it would, but I'm kinda digging it.

So here are the picts. Honest opinions wanted!!!
BEFORE as a blond

AFTER as a Reddish Brunette

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Trip

Driving cross-country in three days means a lot of car time. One would think that since this was my fifth trip in the past two years (Laura's third) that we would have it down to a science, each trip being easier then the previous one. I would agree, that is, until we hit Kansas.

You see this trip I decided to shake things up a bit. Usually we go the southern route, out through St Louis and then down through Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. This time, instead of heading south in St Louis we went west, fully intent on seeing the great state of Colorado, Utah and Nevada. What came between us and the Rockies was the cruel and unusual punishment known as Kansas.

500 miles of flat corn fields with nothing in sight. We have driving through Oklahoma, but nothing could have prepared us for the mind numbing day we spent in Kansas (which by the way for all it's land, only boasts two major cities- Topeka and Kansas city, neither of which are too impressive.) We thought we had a break from our boredom when we started seeing signs for the "worlds largest prairie dog" and decided to check it out. But with a cover charge of $6.95 to get in, we decided to leave the prairie dog for someone else. The only exciting thing that happened in Kansas was me losing my keys and my phone in the bathroom.

We hit Colorado just before sunset (we had been hoping to get there mid afternoon but didn't make good time the first day). Surprisingly, Eastern Colorado looks just like Western Kansas. We hit Denver and the Rockies in the evening and were unable to see anything:-( and stopped in Grand Junction for the night.

The next day (the last day) we went through Utah, the corner of Arizona, Nevada (viva las Vegas) on in to Cali. Utah was beautiful. It being the last day I was too keen on stopping to take picts often, but we did a couple times.

The Dogs did phenomenally as well. Sometimes I think they're better travelers then most humans. They have an amazing propensity to sleep 24 hours a day, which is what they do in the car. Bear had some issues the last day with the heat and would put his head between the seats in order to get some extra airflow, while Sid would awaken every so often to chew a bone or rearrange his blanket.

Just a pile of blankets?

Nope! Sid sleeping under the covers

Who but Bear in the corner? Trying to find some reprieve from the sun.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

One Crazy Month

With everything going on with the house, packing and getting ready to move, last month was crazy. Most nights I only slept 4hrs. Staying up late to caulk and paint, getting up early to pack and clean, not to mention working, left me exhausted. Many friends pitched into help, often bringing their kids, or loning husbands, or sacrificing sleep and family time to help me. I am eternally greatful!!!
Even though I had been working all month to get ready to have Mel and Jamie move in and be ready to move out, my final week in PA was a true test of exhaustion and endurance. Thankfully my boss let me take one day off to prepare to move. I needed every second of it and tried to fit in as much as I could, including dinner with the girls, a going away party at Adam and Janelle's (though I am sad that I missed the "peircing party" early that day), my and Jamie's impromtu babysitting job for my sister, cigar smoking on the porch, and hanging out with some Mr Moms. Since my last day of work was on Wednesday, Mel and Jamie moved in Sat and Laura and I were scheduled to head out Tuesday, there was much to do and many to say goodbye to. I tried to make it a point to spend some quality time with those closest to me, but sadly, I found the list long and the days short. Regrettfully, I know there were some I missed. I do apologize if anyone felt slighted, it was not intentional.

I had plans of snapping picts to post of all my pre-move festivities, but rarely remembered my camera. Here are a few that I actually had some for thought!

Girls night out

Me with Emma, Mya, Noelle and Kayla at Panera

For those of you reading in PA- I miss you already!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

The House

While these picts don't do any justice, there was a lot of blood sweat and tears shed by a handful of people to get it ready for me to leave. (I know that a lot of you have never seen the house so you really have nothing to compare it too). Most of the upstairs got at least a new coat of paint, with the bathroom getting the brunt of the work. I'm only going post picts of the upstairs now (need to start unpacking) but will post more later.
Before and After

Technically there are three bedrooms in the house, although you have to walk through one to get to the bathroom. I have been sleeping in the spare room since I arrived in PA back in April. It's cooler and quieter. The front bedroom got a new ceiling, crown molding, new lighting, and lots of new paint, while the spare room only got paint.



Spare Room (in the midst of packing, with some help from Sid)

The "office" (the third bedroom on the way to the bathroom while the bathroom remodel was in full swing)


Thursday, November 8, 2007

We made it!

Just a quick note to let you all know that Laura and I made it safely to the West Coast, arriving around 730 (cali time) this evening. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Picts and updates from the trip, not to mention the last crazy month to come soon!