Tuesday, November 13, 2007

California Brunette???

The world has always known me as a blond. I was born a blond (okay, I was bald until I was two, but when that hair did finally come in it was blond) and have been various shades of blond since. Today I decided to change that. I have been talking about going darker for awhile just for a change and today that happened. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about it. In the salon I LOVED it. Now out in the real world I barely recognize myself. Because my hair was so light David (formerly from Utopian Love Story) went darker because light hair doesn't hold color well. After a few washings the color will lighted a bit. Also because of my hair being light, I need to wait until the second "darkening" to get highlights( which will still be darker then my natural shade). I'm told it's a process. It "pulled" more red then he thought it would, but I'm kinda digging it.

So here are the picts. Honest opinions wanted!!!
BEFORE as a blond

AFTER as a Reddish Brunette


LauraJoy said...

Oh my word! I LOVE it! Welcome to the wonderful world of brunettes :)
I think your hair is even darker than mine! And I love how the blond streaks come thru as reddish highlights. Gorgeous. You really do look like a different person...but in a good way. My honest opinion?? FABULOUS! Wish I could've seen it in person, but thanks for posting the pix!
luv ya,

Anonymous said...

Of course brunettes are better looking, especially those who have almost black hair, somewhat slanty eyes and have babies that don't look anything like them! ha ha

in all seriousness, it looks great!!! And it makes your face look even slimer (sp?)...who wouldn't want that?!!!

love ya and miss ya already,
lane's hottie wife and mya's crazy mom ;-)

Unknown said...

wow! Love it! I love the reddish in it.

Glad you and Laura had a safe trip out to Cali and things seemed to fall into place before you left.

Miss you..and i think i miss your smile the most. I always loved seeing your smile. You should post pictures of your smile more often...

love ya,

Steph B. said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! It looks great... though.. I am still a blonde :) hee hee..... I think it looks great!!!!

Julie Garner said...

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Anonymous said...

I love it, Bethany!!! It looks AWESOME. And I'm such a dunce, I didn't realize you were already in Cali until I read the chub post!