Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Girls Bible Study

Tonight I was invited to attend the senior high girls bible study at church. No, they don't think I'm still in high school. My friend Jacquie leads it and invited me to "co-lead" (meaning come and hang out) on weeks I'm not working. This week was the beginning of a study on intimate friendship with God. To kick start the study Jacquie invited an art therapist to spend the evening us. Kayla was Jacquie's roommate in college and is a very strong christian. The evening began with prayer and then Kayla asked us to say what first comes to mind when we think about God.

Each of the girls went around a said very "Sunday school" answers like "caring," "good".... etc. Next she gave us each a sheet of paper and supplied us with different mediums to use to creatively show our relationship with God including pastels, chalk, and magazine cut outs. She instructed us to work silently and concentrate only on our own picture giving us 15 minutes to complete the task.

This is what mine looked like at the end of the 15minutes.
I originally drew it longs ways. The colors symbolizing my relationship with God feeling like hot and cold. The blue being like the ocean, the cold time and the red being like fire, the hot times. There is a very fine line in the middle which is the balance that I find soooo elusive. When I shared with the rest of the group, Jacquie reminded me that water is cleansing, and that though cold is not comfortable it is necessary, even in terms of relationship to God. Even more cleansing is the motion of "churning" like in a washing machine or the ocean. One of girls said to me, "the blue looks like it says something." I turned it to the side to find this.
"Sage." It was COMPLETELY unintentional, and even though that is clearly what it says, I didn't even notice it until Roxy pointed it out. Kayla reminded me that "they say there are no mistakes in art." I got home and looked up sage in the dictionary to find these two definitions.

1) A wise and trusted guide 2) green leaves used in medicine for healing.

A gentle reminder that even in the "cold" times I have a wise and trusted guide, and that He is providing healing.


kingfamily said...

Hey Bethany, Brandi here. Just wanted to know I'm praying . Love the post!
Brandi & family

Steph B. said...

Isn't the Lord amazing at showing us that he is still with us during the "cold"times? How awesome!!!!!

Unknown said...

VERY cool experience. Thanks for sharing.

Julie Garner said...

Awe! I loved this post! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Pretend we're going out for coffee and a lousy breakfast at Eat N Park tomorrow, okay? I will too. It will be a fun "virtual" time together. I'm sure we'll love it--there will be lots of laughing and Jude will throw his food across the restaurant!

Love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Beth, Mya and I are checking up on your blog (and Mya is trying to "help" me write this comment by running her fingers across the keyboard!) Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you tons and miss ya so much (okay, I'm starting to get teary-eyed just writing this...I'm such a sap, but you already know this). Cool experience with the whole Bible Study thing. Thanks so much for taking time to update us all on your life in Cali. Hope to see you soon ;-)

Anonymous said...

sorry...that last comment was from me, but Mya took the liberty of pre-maturely hitting the enter button before I was done typing in my name...ha ha

LauraJoy said...

I love this entry. I've read it a couple times.
I miss you...can you update soon!? ;)

Julie Garner said...

Where ya been?! Let us know what's going on when you have time. I just updated a ton on my blog! Check us out!