Sunday, November 25, 2007


I'm realizing that my vacations in Cali are far more exciting then my real life in Cali. I've slipped back into the usual pattern of going to work, going to the gym and going to Starbucks to read. I would say that this isn't all bad, or even a little bit bad, just an adjustment.

It is easy for me to feel bored these days, but unmotivated to do anything at the same time. I think there are couple reasons for this. The main reason being that I was so crazy busy before I left that not having a "to do" list a mile long leaves with no feeling of purpose, nothing I'm working towards. Don't get me wrong, I know there is a purpose to me being here (and I'm sure my free time will decline dramatically when I start school in January). It's just that that purpose isn't keeping me so busy I barely have time to sleep- right now.

The other reason is that even though I do have friends here, the friend with whom I spent the most time with on previous stays and I are no longer communicating. We seem to have parted ways, he going one way, me going the other. That leaves a big chunk of time, (or at least it feels like it) when I could be hanging out, going to the movies, drinking coffee....etc that I'm not. Again- this isn't bad, just an adjustment- and motivation to get connected somewhere, although, I'm not sure where yet.

My sister has been gracious enough to let me be her tag along (this is nothing new:-) Yesterday we went to a birthday party for a 1 yr old. First let me preface this by saying they are Mexican and when they party, they party right- even if it's for a 1yr old. I have known Fred and Michelle since my first trip out, been to there wedding and hung out with their friends, family etc on several occasions. It was their daughter, Yazmeen, that turned one. And to give you an idea of the magnitude of this shin-dig, I'll just say , they invited 115 friends, family, family of friends and friends of family. There were kids and people everywhere. We arrived at 12pm to help set up and then left at 8pm, even though the party wasn't over. It boasted a full lunch spread, an afternoon of children's games, a pinata and more. I always forget, until I'm at one of these functions, the typical greeting and goodbye of a hug and kiss on the cheek even if your barely acquaintances. This happens regardless of gender or marital status. I must admit that I think this does make people feel more welcome, at least it does me. By the end of the evening I was playing a game of hide and seek with adults, conducted by a 5 year old.

1 Comment:

Julie Garner said...

The party sounds like it was super fun! I have to tell Pete about the kiss greeting and how it makes people feel warmly welcome. When he spoke at the Care Group Leader's retreat a few weeks ago he was talking about warmly greeting people...and his first point was referencing the "Holy Kiss." I think he was laughed off the podium. I didn't laugh. Just a week early Dan & I were invited to Bill & Cynthia's house. When we arrived there was such a warm feeling in their home and I have such great affection for both of them that I kissed Bill on the cheek when I greeted him. I immediately thought, "What the heck did I do that for?!" Later, in the car, I said to Dan..."I kissed Bill when we arrived." to which he said agonizingly, "I KNOW!" I was glad for the teaching on the Holy rationalized my affections the week earlier. And I do agree with you. It does feel very warm and welcoming. C'mon white kids...grow up and loosen up! Greet each other with kisses like you're really glad to see each other...Sheesh!

Love you and miss you! I'd be hanging out with you if I were in Cali!
