Sunday, April 1, 2007

Day 2 - The Beach and Cuban Food

Mel and Jamie


My Hot Bike

Pretty shells and stones


The weather was clear and a few degrees warmer then thursday- in other words it was perfect!!!!

The timing of Mel and Jamies trip was awesome. They came when everyone in my house was on spring break. SO- asked my sister April to use her vast resources to get some bikes together so we could take a bike ride at the beach.

We left for the beach around 945 and stopped on the way to pick up some bikes. Sheli went to Disneyland with a friend but my sister April and Dana took her place. We used a friends beach apartment to store food and use the bathroom. Once everyone was sunblocked we hit the beach for a leisurely 6mile ride. The bike I was riding was the bike of the women who lived in the apartment. It rocked!!! It was a beach cruiser which is hard to explain, other then the seat is low, the handles are high and there was a basket on the bike..... sweet! We rode three miles from Huntington to Newport, parked our bikes and got icecream before we strolled on the beach and collected shells. The water was CHILLY and though no one planned on going in, I think everyones feet got hit by a wave or two.

We rode the three miles back to Huntington, went to eat Lunch at Lourdes' (the friend) and then left the beach around 3. Thankfully, we left a little earlier then planned, because traffic was RIDICULOUS! After about 2.5 hours in the car on what should have been a 45minute trip back we made it home, showered and went back into LA for Cuban food.

Those of you who have never had Cuban food- put that on your "to do" list. It is not at all like Mexican food, or Spanish food for that matter. It has a taste all it's own! Neither Melanie or Jamie (or Dana) had ever had Cuban food or sangria before so it was fun. The restaurant we went to also has Salsa dancing in another part of the restaurant. Unfortunately we didn't dance, the band was taking a break when we finished eating. It was probably a blessing because we were all exhausted and Sat was going to turn out to be a fun, fun, fun but long day.