Sunday, April 1, 2007

Mel & Jamie Day 1- Olivera St, Hollywood, Griffith Observatory

First- MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (those of you who read my last blog will know exactly what I mean).

Mel and Jamie should just be arriving in Las Vegas any minute now. I dropped them off at the airport a couple hours ago after three days full of fun! Because I took so many pictures and am so inept at picture placement I figure that I'll write a post for each day and post the corresponding posts.

Day 1- Thursday

I think I had the most energy on Thursday morning! I picked up Mel and Jamie at the airport around 11:30pm Wednesday night. We stayed up and chatted for a bit before hitting the hay. Earlier in the day my mom and I realized that the airmatteress we had planned on using was less then comfortable. I gave M&J my bed and slept with Sheli. That was the first and will be the last time. Apparently I'm a cover hog and she is spider women- all over the place. Sheli and I got up early to make eggs and pancakes for our guests, while my dad made his way outside to pick oranges for fresh squeezed orange juice. After everyone had eaten and was ready (10:00) we hit the road to get lunch items and then head into LA. Our plan was to go to Olivera street, where street vender's sell Mexican goods and was the very first street in LA. We got there and had lunch and walked around before heading to Hollywood.

Once in Hollywood we walked the Star walk of fame, or at least a portion of it (it's quite long), went to Gap, Groumans Theatre, looked at the hand prints and foot prints, ate Coldstone, and people watched. We had shuttle tickets to go to Griffith Observatory, which has a spectacular view of LA and the valley. The observatory was just re-opened after having been closed years for repairs. The shuttle ride up gave us plenty of time to look at all the huge houses. The observatory was cool. I think Sheli would spend days there if she had a choice. There was multiple balconies for viewing and they even open up the HUGE telescope to the public after dark. We were tired and last that long.

We left the observatory around 615 on the shuttle and started the drive home. We reached home around 800. We ordered pizza and laughed with my parents for a bit before calling it a night. I was smarter this time- I slept on the couch and Sheli made a bed on the floor beside me.