Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Crazy Mom

Thanks Mom!

Yesterday my mom did something hilarious! I had complained earlier in morning that kids from the highschool up the street kept ringing the doorbell in the afternoon while I was trying to sleep. A couple times a week they stop by on their way home and ask to pick oranges from our orange trees (Bring back memories Kim?). No one but me has been home so they ring and ring and ring and ring, until it becomes a test of wills- them to get someone to answer, me refusing to answer. When I left the house yesterday evening I saw this note taped to the mailbox right beside the doorbell and laughed- "Night worker" doesn't exactly make me think of nursing!


Anonymous said...

oh, the memories...I that's the real reason I was invited to come out to CA, so my long arms would be able to reach the oranges on the orange tree :)
Good times...good orange juice...bring some back for me, will ya?
keep up the packing

LauraJoy said...

I can't believe next week at this time you'll be here...Don't forget to call me from the road. Love ya girl! :)