Saturday, April 14, 2007

Okay- I'm a slacker! I've had good intentions to update my blog for awhile now but those intentions haven't materialized. I always think it's more interesting when I post pictures, you know, something to look at when you need to take a break from reading my rambling. Sorry, no pictures this time!

I'm rolling out of So. Cal a week from tomorrow. I downloaded a ton of new music to my iPod so I won't get sick of the other stuff and I've decided that each of my driving days are going to have a theme to keep it interesting. One day is going to be a spanish day where I will only speak spanish and listen to spanish music..... yes, it will be a quiet day. As far as the other three days... I don't know what other themes I should have. I would love to hear any and all ideas, the crazier the better.... after all I do have 40 hours in the car to kill.

I only have three more shifts left to work at San Antonio (sniff sniff:-( Work always seems to become fun (more fun) when you're about to leave. This weekend, my last full one in Cali, is a frenzy of activity. Last night I went to the worship leaders house for a house concert. Our worship leader was/is in a band that was pretty popular (or so I hear). I guess they toured with Third Day at one point. While I knew he was in a band, I didn't know much about it until Mel and Jamie were here and knew who he was. Crazy! To me he's just Alex. He and his wife Jacquie (and little guy Sam) are super cool people. They open up their house one friday night a month and invite some of Alexs music friends to perform for a small group of people, usually just enough to fill the living room- hence "house concert." Last night Suzanne Brewer played. She was amazing! She has this rich, smokey voice. Some other people from church got up and performed after. I didn't realize my church was musically talented. I had every intention of taking a picture with phone to post today but forgot my phone at home...... Oops:-)

Tonight is a girls night out! Yipppeeeeeee! A group of friends from work and my sister April are going salsa dancing. Now some of you may already know this, but I have come to appreciate most things Latin. You may also be surprised to know that I absolutely under no circumstance am able to salsa dance (shock and awe I know :-) My friend Romel tried to teach me a couple moves at work the other night ummmmm.....didn't go so well- maybe because I couldn't stop laughing. He assured me that there is no "free styling" in salsa and that if I tried I would look ridiculous. In turn, I assured him that looking ridiculous was something I do on a regular basis and that this wouldn't be any different. The good news is, no one that I'm going with knows how to salsa.

Tomorrow I'm getting up early to work out with April (April is the queen of making work out plans and then cancelling last minute, I agreed to her 6am work out knowing full well that tomorrow morning I will be no where near an eliptical machine). After church I'm going out with my friend Sarah for sushi.... mmmmmmmm love me some sushi!!!!! Sarah is a nurse extern at work and will be graduating this summer. We met last summer when I worked day shift and have been good friends since. She's going tonight but I'm sure we won't be able to catch up on the dance floor. I haven't hung out with Sarah in a long time! She has been crazy busy with school and wedding planning (she's getting married in Aug) and I have been...... not busy with school or wedding planning or anything for that matter. It promises to be a fun time! I mean seriously, how can it not be fun when your eating raw fish with chops sticks????

Monday I go back to work. I was walking out with one of the managers the other morning, discussing my leaving. She was asking about my last day and all, and they said, "Do we have a start date for when you come back yet?" I just laughed and said, "not yet, but I'll let you know."

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.