Thursday, April 5, 2007

I don't feel like charting........

Tonight is my first night back at work. I'm actually glad. Yesterday I was bored out of my mind, I even went to my sisters to help her hang pictures. Now, truth be told, there were plenty of things that I could have done at home, but some how doing laundry, scooping poop in the back yard didn't seem too exciting.

Thanks Geek for all your suggestions about getting my phone number to Matt! The patient (or as we call him here: My future father-in-law) was discharged yesterday so I haven't seen Matt since the infamous cheese fry encounter:-) Working with mostly females does have it's advantages though. Before he left one of my co-workers gave my number to the sister to give to him with a note attached (all my co-workers, including the managers and director of Critical Care are trying to fix me up with every and anybody single in the area.... true story. When asked last summer what they could do to get me to stay, I said (1/2) jokingly "find me a man." Since, every time I see the director Jan she lets me know if she's interviewed any single guys, and Lora, one of the managers, is waiting for the perfect time to set me up with her son, who just got out a long term relationship. Makes coming to work interesting to say the least!). Matt hasn't called, but I completely understand that getting a number from your sister who got it from a co-worker who may or may not have gotten it from the person whose number it is, may seem a little shady. My next move: show up at his house...... JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!

I have two and a half weeks left at work. Time flies! My family is beginning to talk about me leaving which always seems weird to me, but I think its probably weirder for them. In my mind 2.5weeks is a long time (I haven't even thought about packing yet!) but I know it will fly by and before you know it, it will be April 22 and time to hit the open road. Which leads me to a big prayer request. I'll be making all 3000 miles of this trip alone, well the dogs will be with me, but they don't count. I'm actually okay with it, mostly because I realize that if I continue traveling that I will eventually have to do it alone, so why not now? My family isn't very excited about it, and I'm sure neither are some of you reading, but in a way I'm looking forward to it. A couple people were looking into making the trip but no one was able to get the time off work. So please pray for protection for me esp on the first 2 days when cell phone reception is pretty sporadic, and that when I get my car serviced before I leave that they will find anything and everything that could possibly go wrong on the trip. (BTW- If anyone reading this is thinking that they would like to be spontaneous and take a road trip on such short notice I'm still accepting applications).

Well it seems I've procrastinated long enough.... I suppose I'll chart.... after I get coffee.......


LauraJoy said...

You have no idea how much I wish I could make that trip with you. I will certainly be praying the whole time you're on the road. And once your cell phone reception is good, you better call me lots! :)
Can't wait to see you!

Unknown said...

Ditto to Laura's remarks..did you know it snowed here? Nothing measurable wise, it was pretty, big flakes, but still, snow in April? I'm ready for warmer weather...

love you girl and I hope this time around when your home in Lancaster, we can chat more!