Monday, January 22, 2007

Call me Angelina

We don't feed her much

Most of you know I had been planning on going to Africa this summer (my aunt and uncle that used to live in New York moved to Rwanda in Nov. My uncle works for World Relief, a large Christian Humanitarian org. He is the country director for Rwanda and oversees the various "arms" of the ministry from micro-finance, to child immunization and aids treatment, prevention and education). My sister April and I were going to travel there together and spend a month with them. My uncle has tons of stuff lined up for me to do with the doctor that oversees the Aids programs. But due to the timing of my contracts, I decided to go a year from now.... over my 30th B-day! What better way to spend my 30th then fulfilling a life long dream (for those of you who have never heard... I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Africa (call me Angelina Jolie) and be a missionary. Even when I was little. I used to tell my mom I wished that I was born black- CRAZY!). Anyway- all that to say, I am totally siked (how do you spell that??) and want to make wise financial and job decisions now so that going on the trip won't be stressful.

A week and a half ago I told you about my "go getter" recruiter who had offered an extension to the hospital with out my knowledge (she's already trying to book me for the summer! I feel like a rock star:-). She was pretty persistent about me working a full 13 weeks with out time off (which would have meant a contract that ended in May). After much conversation with my family I decided to only stay until the middle of April (april 21st to be exact), when I'll be heading back to PA. The jury is still out on my summer plans; whether I'll stay and work, travel and work, rent, sell, or live in my house. I can use all the prayer I can get!

Oh- And everyone has an open invitation to come and visit!!! My family loves guests! So please feel free to book your tickets now, just give me a little advanced warning to I an get off work:-)

1 Comment:

LauraJoy said...

oh my know i'm there! well, of course there's that pesky getting time off work thing...we'll see what i can do about that. but who wouldn't want to come to cali in the dead of a PA winter?? btw, i'm sure you heard but it snowed here. just a coating, but it still was snow. ugh. miss you bunches. we'll talk soon.
p.s. the frequency of your blogging is great! i'm such a blogging slacker