Monday, January 29, 2007

The Birthday Edition

Today is my 29 birthday, or as I like to refer to it, the 9th anniversary of my 20th birthday (that would probably be more appropriate because I feel more like a 20 year old then someone who just turned 29). I tried (am trying- it's only 3pm here) to fill my day with a few of my favorite things. I wish I would get all Oprah and start handing out 200$ bath robes, sorry, I don't roll like that, well, my bank account doesn't roll like that:-) I got up early (who says 7am isn't early) and started with a birthday text from a girl in my old youth group. I was a youth director at a church in Lititz for 4 years before coming to crossway. I haven't seen Diane in 2 years, or talked to her in a year, but she remembers my birthday every year! When I decided to make my way to the kitchen I had a delicious breakfast burrito made by a connoisseur of breakfast foods: me. (side note: I seriously love breakfast foods! Last year at this time I ate blueberry pancakes everyday! And nothing makes my mouth water like a warm stack of French toast...... mmmmmm I can almost smell them now. I've been known to go the Lyndon diner at midnight just to feed this obsession. So if you ever wake up at 2am with a hankering for a greek omelet or a short stack, give me a call!) I have been having these burritos everyday for the past week. Its like a refrigerator treasure hunt. I dig through the fridge and freezer looking for ingredients. So far my fav. is egg, onion, mushroom, spinach, and turkey bacon topped with cheese and salsa all wrapped in a warm flour tortilla. And Dana- no I don't think asparagus would taste good in a breakfast burrito.

After I ate the tasty goodness described above, I went to Target to "meander" around. I try not to "meander" in Target too often, it only leads to unnecessary spending. Today was no exception. I purposefully didn't get a cart, thinking that I wouldn't be able to carry much. But I've come to the conclusion that my arms actually grow longer as soon as I enter that store. A group of scientists are looking into it. Before I knew it I was in the dressing room trying on lots of things I didn't need, ie, a bathing suit cover up, hello- it's January! Thankfully, I heard the voice of Star (in my head) saying "don't buy too much, I don't expect you to be that size long." I think that women will haunt me to my grave:-) So with that, I hung the cover up back up and left. I made it out with only a necklace, some tanks for the gym and a "goal" outfit..... oh and some lotion. My next stop........ Starbucks.

I have gotten in the habit of going to Starbucks to read on my days off. I really enjoy this habit. It's been pretty easy on the wallet because of all the gift cards I got for Christmas this year. Worth mentioning here is that Starbucks has brought back their Cinnamon Dulce latte- IN SUGAR FREE!!!!!!! to that I say "thank you may I have another." I got a book called Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell for Christmas. It's an obscure title but he does well at explaining what he means by it. Mr Bell is a pastor of a sister church to the one my uncle was pastor at before he moved to Rwanda. I just started the book today and though I only got through the first 25 pages, my initial response is that it's worth the time to read. During the first chapter he mentions something about God saying "I am all that I am" in Job which made me think about doing a devotional on the book of Job (I love Old testament studies..... they can be so rich. Lori and I started our Saturday morning breakfast tradition over a book study of Isaiah...... which we have yet to finish:-). With this new "inspiration" I gathered my things and went to another dangerous place..... the book store!

It took me a little while to find the individual book Bible studies but when I did, let me tell you, I could not just pick one. It wasn't the names of the actual books of the Bible that got me, but the sub-titles. Besides Job, I got Nehemiah: the courage to face opposition (I love, love, love the book of nehemiah), Hosea: Gods Persistent Love and Ecclesiastes: chasing after meaning. Each study is supposed to last twelve weeks; so, I got a year of devotional material in one day! fortunately these studies only cost about 5$ and I'm sure the benefits will far out weigh the cost!

The next place I headed was not necessarily a favorite place as much as a much needed one. I went to the gym in an attempt to offset the large quantity of lasagna and chocolate ice-box cake (a delicious family recipe) I plan on eating tonight. Birthdays aren't huge deals in my house, but my mom does cook anything we request for dinner. Call me crazy, but I requested Costco lasagna and bread..... lots of bread. I tried to do a work out worthy of Star and don't plan on looking at the nutritional info on anything I eat after 5:30!

Which brings me to this moment....... sitting in front of the computer, desperately in need of a shower, showing my sister my great target buys. Whats on the agenda for the rest of the day? you ask..... aside from a shower and lasagna, a dance dance revolution tournament (the video game with a floor mat where you have to follow the moves on the screen) organized by Sheli (I don't even stand a chance with a belly full of pasta and chocolate). We try but have yet to succeed in getting my Dad to participate..... maybe tonight:-)


LauraJoy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear friend. I'm going to call you soon...i'm glad i read your blog so I know you're not working and you'll be up.
oh and yeah....if you get your dad to do dance dance revolution, please get it on tape! :)
Have a BLAST!! I love you, girl!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bethany!! :) I'm going to be completely immature and point out that you turned 29 on the 29th. See, not much brain matter up there! :) Hope your day was great!

Unknown said...


Starbucks coffee sounds good right about now....

love ya!