Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Pressure is on!

Happy Wednesday friends!!! It's 8:30 here in So. Cal. My contract here is three weeks over already! (why does time seem to go faster the older we get?) And I'm beginning to feel pressure about where to go next from an unexpected place..... my recruiter! For those who aren't familiar with how what I do works- I have a recruiter that works as a liaison to set up contracts for me. My original recruiter accepted another position about month ago so I was assigned a new one. While she's nice, she seems to be QUITE pushy! We had talked last week about a few options to which I said I wanted to talk to my family, and the director of the hospital I'm at now and then would get back to her. Being the "go-getter" that she is, she put in an offer to the hospital to extend my contract here Cali, not just for a few weeks or a month, but for the whole 13 weeks! I was stunned when she called today.... I hadn't even talked to my family yet.
Whats worse is I had no intention of extending for a full 13weeks.... I want to be home in time for little baby Randolphs arrival! So the pressure is on!!!!!! I have until tomorrow morning to decide if I'm staying, how long I'm staying and if I stay when would I want time off! Luckily I'm not committed to anything at this point.... at least I don't think so! SO if you read this between now and tomorrow (first of all what are you doing up so late, don't you work??) please say a prayer for me!!

Tomorrow I'm going to San louis Obispo (SLO) for the day!! Should be exciting! Hopefully I'll have so great picts to post!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Beth -
Will definately be praying that it all works out! Of course you have to be here when she arrives =)
Keep us posted!