Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Oh so sunny California

76 DEGREES ON JANUARY 2ND!!!!! How can I not love this place? I took this picture yesterday while driving home from the gym...... sssshhhhh don't tell. (The law is no talking on your cell phone while driving; it says absolutely nothing about picture taking! It has been remarkably warm here this week. Thankfully I brought some flip-flops with me!
There is something to be said for a winter wonderland though. On the drive out two weeks ago I got to see snow falling for the first time in 2 whole years! I was so excited. Jamie and I were driving through Flagstaff Arizona which could possibly be one of the most beautiful little towns in the United States. We stopped there for the night. When we arrived at our La Quinta (which had the best breakfast and most comfortable beds that I have even encountered in a hotel!) there was about two inches of snow on the ground. By morning there was about three. I couldn't sleep so I got up and took the dogs for a walk. It was still dark and the sky was clear. Beautiful!!!! The next day we set off an drove through every climate you can imagine. It was 11 degrees when we hit the open road, which soon turned into 40 when we hit the desert. By the time we got to Upland in was in the 60's!

I am exhausted this evening! I worked last night and only slept a few hours today before hitting the gym with sister April. My whole family have turned into gym rats. My dad, after a year of talking about joining the gym, finally did! Only instead of getting the typical month-to-month membership, he buys three years up front! Crazy! When I got home from work at about 8:15 this morning he had already been there and back and was on his way to the office (He's a pastor so his office is just across the church parking lot). My mom, who has always been a fan of exercising, goes mid -morning. She says she needs her coffee and breakfast before she even thinks about a treadmill (right there with ya mama!). My sisters Dana and Sheli usually head up there in the early afternoon (this week, school starts again next monday) while April and I are evening people (after a trip to starbucks.... hey energy drinks come in all forms!). We both agree that the crazy people come out after dark so there is more entertainment.... sad but true!

On my agenda this evening is nothing ambitious. I need to clean my room and then sleep as long as I can.... unfortunately thats usually only until about 7am. Tomorrow I have an appointment with Star- the trainer that is worthy of a job on the biggest loser. I absolutely must get my eyebrows done- When they're growing down your face like a beard its time to take some action!


Unknown said...

Whew! I finally made it to your blog!

I love it! Blogging won't be able to replace live in person catch ups, but it helps!

Can't wait to see more!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! You have a blog! Love hearing about all your doing in CA. Wasn't it just about this time last year that Lori and i were out to visit you? If for some reason you were to stay we might have to make another trip out. Whenever you come home, we have to get coffe and catch up! I miss ya, friend!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Okay, let's try this again! I messed up my last comment, so I'm gonna give this another whirl...
I loved reading your blog! It's great getting to "catch up with you" and you made me laugh! :) And guess's going to be 68 F tomorrow in good ol' Lancaster county! Who'd a thunk'd it? Grab some real sun for me. :)

LauraJoy said... forgot to tell me your blog was finally up and running!! Love reading it! Good talkin to ya last night too! I miss you tons and tons and tons. i'm not even going to do a countdown till you come home, since who knows when that will be! Anyway, keep postin...i'll be reading! :)