Monday, January 8, 2007

Happy Birthday!!!

Mom and the girls

Sheli, Dana, Grandma, me and April

Ahhh- My life has been non-stop since the last time I posted! Last Friday was my Grandma's surprise 70th birthday tea. Obviously that is what the pictures are from (no I don't usually walk around in a tiera although the thought of doing so had occurred to me:-) All the granddaughters wore a tiera or flower thing (sheli hated her tierra) and other ladies wore hats. The scary part is that all hats and tiera's were provided by the tea house. Lice anyone??? It was fun! I have to say thought that the "food" they serve for lunch at a tea party is pretty slim. I left early to go home and sleep (I had to work friday night) and missed the cake. That's okay... I don't really need anymore butt Spackle:-) (quick question for any smart person reading. How do you spell tiera? is it tiarra, tierra, or tiera?? Spellcheck hates all my versions!)
I worked all weekend (ok friday and sat). I got home on sunday morning exhausted but decided to only sleep a few hours because of something important happening during the day....... A sale at Banana Republic!!!! Unfortunately my sleep sacrifice was useless because I couldn't find anything at Banana that I really liked. Never fear, I walked my tired, sleep deprived self over to New York and Co and found some lovely non sale items- A few of which I'll be returning! I did learn an important lesson..... never buy a kimono looking shirt with only two hours of sleep- you'll regret it later when you realize that orange really isn't your color!
My week is going to be crazy too! I go back to work tonight:-( One day off between nights (esp when that day was spent shopping) never feels restful. I work on tuesday night, wednesday I see Star (ouch) and am going to see Dreamgirls (for the second time) with my friend Jodi (her second time too:-) You all need to see it- it's so good!!!!! Thursday I'll be driving up the coast to San Louis Obispo/Carmel to meet a friend. It's a four hour drive along the coast that I hear is beautiful! I've never been anywhere north of here. My parents got me a digital camera for chirstmas so I'm pretty excited about the picture taking opportunities even though it's supposed to rain. Then it's back to Star and work on friday.
that's all for now! I'm heading back to bed! Love you guys!

1 Comment:

LauraJoy said...

hey again! love the pix from the tea! btw....i think the word you're looking for is "tiara". pretty sure there's no "e" in it anywhere.
anyway, hope your drive up the coast goes well. take lots of pix and don't forget to post them! and tell your friend i said hello! ;)