Thursday, December 27, 2007

6 Glorious Days

6 days- That's how long I have until I go back to work (5 if you don't count today which is already over on the east coast). Yeah yeah- I know I only work three (very long) nights a week so I can't complain about my busy work schedule (and yet I still find a way to:-)

So how am I spending my 6 days off? Hopefully catching up on some much needed reading, cleaning, phone calls and fun!

Today after I left work I went home and after an hour of fighting sleep on the couch while watching the Today's show (has anyone else noticed that Anne Curry's voice is soothing enough to put you right to sleep?) I headed to see my friend David (formerly of Uptopian Love Story) for a cut and colour. As if I weren't tired enough- sitting in a chair for 2.5 hours with someone playing with my hair made me feel like jello. I swear that man gives the best scalp/neck massages. Now I don't mean to toot my own horn- but toot toot; my sister and I have given him soooo many referrals that things are starting to cost less, i.e. he gets me product from the supply store at cost and charges me 50% so I don't have to pay the salon price for them. Now I am fully aware that some of the deep discount could be a little guilt he's carrying for standing me up this summer, but there ain't no shame in my game "Can I have that Biolage in the liter please- thanks!" you may notice from the pictures that my hair is getting darker and darker- that is intentional.... okay actually, I don't even really decide, david does, but so far I've been quite happy with results (funny story- when I asked a guy at work what he thought he jokingly said "ummmm...... yeah no. I'm a mexican and you were a blonde... there is nothing more I can say about it").

Tonight my sister April (her and I to the left- I know, no resemblance), some of the girls from work and I went out to a cool little jazz and fondue lounger called Hip Kitty. The place is becoming a local hot spot and features live Jazz every night (it's only open Wed to Sun). We had dreamy chocolate desert fondue. The first pot was milk chocolate with peanut butter added, the second was dark chocolate with raspberry added. It was delicious and the atmosphere was great (this wasn't my first time there and I'm sure won't be my last). We called it a night at about 10:30 which is early for us. My limited sleep during the day was/is catching up with me.

I am still continuing to run and am quite pleased with my progress.... okay I'll be honest, last time I finished I thought I was going to pass out or throw up (luckily I did neither), but my knee is holding up well. Thankfully for all involved I have no pictures of me running to post... I'm planning on keeping it that way! I have a ritual of tieing a sweatshirt around my waste when I run. I would love to say that this adds to my speed and agility, and in a way I guess it does. It gives me peace of mind that no one behind me has to see the "back 40" shimmy and shake the way only the synthetic jelly like substance in stress balls is supposed to! Truth be told, it was either a sweatshirt over top or a girdle underneath..... I think the choice was obvious!

With that I should go! I'm beat! To all I haven't talked to- I love and miss you!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Old Dreams Die Hard

Over two years ago when I started trying to lose weight I decided I would do it by running. For whatever reason I have always been envious of runners. They are long and lean and seem to glide over the earth effortlessly. Most of them return from a run jonesing for the next. The "runners high" is said to be amazing. I, on the other hand, looked like a mack truck barreling down the street, and made it a habit each school year to find out what day we were to run the mile for the "Presidential Physical Fitness" test. It goes without saying I would subsequently be ill when that day arrived. I think in my entire high school career I ran the mile once- and thought I was going to die. But secretly, I have always wished I could be one of "them-" a runner.

In my early days of losing weight, I was way over zealous about running (esp when I think about what my weight was). Most people decide to start with a 5K or even a 10K if they're feeling a little cocky. I decided to register for a half marathon.... that's right 13.1miles (no one ever has to tell me to dream big). I bought running shoes, running books, training logs. I worked with a physical therapy assistant who would help me set short term goals, keep track of progress and stretch my sore legs. I was serious about it (a delusional I admit, see I had only given my self 4 months to go from not running to being a long distance runner). I trained for weeks and saw little progress but still had hope, that is, until one day on vacation in the mountains I hurt my knee (again delusional, running at my weight was just asking for trouble). That injury landed me in physical therapy, and lost my $70 registration fee.

I still want to be able to run. I have tried the running thing again several times since. Last fall when the chub club girls talked about running the Crossway Mile, I jumped on the computer and printed a training plan. I made it to training day two when my knee acted up.

Last week, I decided to try again. This time, I'm only shooting for a 5k (older is wiser right?) although I would love to be able to run more. The 5K I selected raises money for victims rights and isn't until April leaving me plenty of time to train in hopes of not aggrevating my knee. I have successfully made it past day two of the training program and am actually enjoying it (although what keeps playing in my head when I run is "heal to toe-" seriously, time for a new mantra).

Otherwise- life in cali is quite status quo. My bought with the virus from down under (and I don't mean australia friends) is gone minus a lingering cough. It has been cold and rainy here, hardly what christmas in California is supposed to be like (believe it or not, I miss snow).

Well friends- Thats all for now, back to work
Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sorry so long.....

Okay- I know it's been two weeks since I've updated. My reasons for not posting are both valid and pathetic. Pathetic because I was waiting to have pictures to post, valid because I have the flu (or a close cousin of the flu) which, trust me, no one wants a picture of, that is unless you find a 20 something sleeping on the couch with a little brown dog by her side photo worthy:-) In truth, the flu has only been upon me for the past 5 days, leaving 9 others in which I could have posted.... that's where the picture excuse comes in.

I promise I will update soon (hopefully with pictures)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Girls Bible Study

Tonight I was invited to attend the senior high girls bible study at church. No, they don't think I'm still in high school. My friend Jacquie leads it and invited me to "co-lead" (meaning come and hang out) on weeks I'm not working. This week was the beginning of a study on intimate friendship with God. To kick start the study Jacquie invited an art therapist to spend the evening us. Kayla was Jacquie's roommate in college and is a very strong christian. The evening began with prayer and then Kayla asked us to say what first comes to mind when we think about God.

Each of the girls went around a said very "Sunday school" answers like "caring," "good".... etc. Next she gave us each a sheet of paper and supplied us with different mediums to use to creatively show our relationship with God including pastels, chalk, and magazine cut outs. She instructed us to work silently and concentrate only on our own picture giving us 15 minutes to complete the task.

This is what mine looked like at the end of the 15minutes.
I originally drew it longs ways. The colors symbolizing my relationship with God feeling like hot and cold. The blue being like the ocean, the cold time and the red being like fire, the hot times. There is a very fine line in the middle which is the balance that I find soooo elusive. When I shared with the rest of the group, Jacquie reminded me that water is cleansing, and that though cold is not comfortable it is necessary, even in terms of relationship to God. Even more cleansing is the motion of "churning" like in a washing machine or the ocean. One of girls said to me, "the blue looks like it says something." I turned it to the side to find this.
"Sage." It was COMPLETELY unintentional, and even though that is clearly what it says, I didn't even notice it until Roxy pointed it out. Kayla reminded me that "they say there are no mistakes in art." I got home and looked up sage in the dictionary to find these two definitions.

1) A wise and trusted guide 2) green leaves used in medicine for healing.

A gentle reminder that even in the "cold" times I have a wise and trusted guide, and that He is providing healing.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


I'm realizing that my vacations in Cali are far more exciting then my real life in Cali. I've slipped back into the usual pattern of going to work, going to the gym and going to Starbucks to read. I would say that this isn't all bad, or even a little bit bad, just an adjustment.

It is easy for me to feel bored these days, but unmotivated to do anything at the same time. I think there are couple reasons for this. The main reason being that I was so crazy busy before I left that not having a "to do" list a mile long leaves with no feeling of purpose, nothing I'm working towards. Don't get me wrong, I know there is a purpose to me being here (and I'm sure my free time will decline dramatically when I start school in January). It's just that that purpose isn't keeping me so busy I barely have time to sleep- right now.

The other reason is that even though I do have friends here, the friend with whom I spent the most time with on previous stays and I are no longer communicating. We seem to have parted ways, he going one way, me going the other. That leaves a big chunk of time, (or at least it feels like it) when I could be hanging out, going to the movies, drinking coffee....etc that I'm not. Again- this isn't bad, just an adjustment- and motivation to get connected somewhere, although, I'm not sure where yet.

My sister has been gracious enough to let me be her tag along (this is nothing new:-) Yesterday we went to a birthday party for a 1 yr old. First let me preface this by saying they are Mexican and when they party, they party right- even if it's for a 1yr old. I have known Fred and Michelle since my first trip out, been to there wedding and hung out with their friends, family etc on several occasions. It was their daughter, Yazmeen, that turned one. And to give you an idea of the magnitude of this shin-dig, I'll just say , they invited 115 friends, family, family of friends and friends of family. There were kids and people everywhere. We arrived at 12pm to help set up and then left at 8pm, even though the party wasn't over. It boasted a full lunch spread, an afternoon of children's games, a pinata and more. I always forget, until I'm at one of these functions, the typical greeting and goodbye of a hug and kiss on the cheek even if your barely acquaintances. This happens regardless of gender or marital status. I must admit that I think this does make people feel more welcome, at least it does me. By the end of the evening I was playing a game of hide and seek with adults, conducted by a 5 year old.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Back to Work

I went back to work at San Antonio this past Wednesday. It's a little odd to start a contract mid-week, but the hospital was agreeable to it and the extra days to adjust to the time change and catch up on sleep were great.

The reception I received when I got there was amazing. A lot of the my co-workers didn't know I was coming back. I usually go visit when I get into town, before I start, but didn't this time. When I got to the floor, my friend Julie said "It is you!!!" And a group of people came over to give me a hug. My name had shown up on the staffing sheet, some were a little skeptical as to whether the staffing sheet was actually correct, or if there was another Bethany Smith starting.
San Antonio is just a fraction of the size of LGH. And everyone knows everyone, or at least knows who they are. All of critical care is viewed as one unit, even though it is really comprised of 4 telemetry floors, an ICU and a CCU. Because of that, it's not uncommon for nurses to get pulled of their home floor to fill holes, even in ICU/CCU, so there is a lot of camaraderie between units. Even as a traveler I have to take my turn floating various places. I was so blessed when people from other floors came up and said "I heard you were back, I just wanted to say hi."

My first week back I felt like I was fumbling around trying to get back into the routine. I was offered orientation, but declined (the funny part was, I was technically supposed to have it. Lora, one of the nurse managers, came to me before my second night back and said that the educators weren't to happy with her, could I fill out my orientation packet and have a co-worker sign as my preceptor. We laughed at the ridiculousness of it). Bouncing from one hospital to the next can sorta leave you in a fog. I was frequently asking "do you guys _____ (fill in the blank) or was that at my other hospital?" Most people just laughed and told me I had been gone too long. Each night got progressively better.
After three nights in a row and little sleep I am exhausted! I got up early today to go with my Mom and Sister to the Gap (friends and family day = BIG discounts. I was good and only used my dollars for long sleeved tee's to go under my scrubs) and then went to the gym. I'm so tired that I think I my be hallucinating because I think I hear my bed calling me. I'm going to go look into it right now!
Miss you all!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

California Brunette???

The world has always known me as a blond. I was born a blond (okay, I was bald until I was two, but when that hair did finally come in it was blond) and have been various shades of blond since. Today I decided to change that. I have been talking about going darker for awhile just for a change and today that happened. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about it. In the salon I LOVED it. Now out in the real world I barely recognize myself. Because my hair was so light David (formerly from Utopian Love Story) went darker because light hair doesn't hold color well. After a few washings the color will lighted a bit. Also because of my hair being light, I need to wait until the second "darkening" to get highlights( which will still be darker then my natural shade). I'm told it's a process. It "pulled" more red then he thought it would, but I'm kinda digging it.

So here are the picts. Honest opinions wanted!!!
BEFORE as a blond

AFTER as a Reddish Brunette

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Trip

Driving cross-country in three days means a lot of car time. One would think that since this was my fifth trip in the past two years (Laura's third) that we would have it down to a science, each trip being easier then the previous one. I would agree, that is, until we hit Kansas.

You see this trip I decided to shake things up a bit. Usually we go the southern route, out through St Louis and then down through Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. This time, instead of heading south in St Louis we went west, fully intent on seeing the great state of Colorado, Utah and Nevada. What came between us and the Rockies was the cruel and unusual punishment known as Kansas.

500 miles of flat corn fields with nothing in sight. We have driving through Oklahoma, but nothing could have prepared us for the mind numbing day we spent in Kansas (which by the way for all it's land, only boasts two major cities- Topeka and Kansas city, neither of which are too impressive.) We thought we had a break from our boredom when we started seeing signs for the "worlds largest prairie dog" and decided to check it out. But with a cover charge of $6.95 to get in, we decided to leave the prairie dog for someone else. The only exciting thing that happened in Kansas was me losing my keys and my phone in the bathroom.

We hit Colorado just before sunset (we had been hoping to get there mid afternoon but didn't make good time the first day). Surprisingly, Eastern Colorado looks just like Western Kansas. We hit Denver and the Rockies in the evening and were unable to see anything:-( and stopped in Grand Junction for the night.

The next day (the last day) we went through Utah, the corner of Arizona, Nevada (viva las Vegas) on in to Cali. Utah was beautiful. It being the last day I was too keen on stopping to take picts often, but we did a couple times.

The Dogs did phenomenally as well. Sometimes I think they're better travelers then most humans. They have an amazing propensity to sleep 24 hours a day, which is what they do in the car. Bear had some issues the last day with the heat and would put his head between the seats in order to get some extra airflow, while Sid would awaken every so often to chew a bone or rearrange his blanket.

Just a pile of blankets?

Nope! Sid sleeping under the covers

Who but Bear in the corner? Trying to find some reprieve from the sun.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

One Crazy Month

With everything going on with the house, packing and getting ready to move, last month was crazy. Most nights I only slept 4hrs. Staying up late to caulk and paint, getting up early to pack and clean, not to mention working, left me exhausted. Many friends pitched into help, often bringing their kids, or loning husbands, or sacrificing sleep and family time to help me. I am eternally greatful!!!
Even though I had been working all month to get ready to have Mel and Jamie move in and be ready to move out, my final week in PA was a true test of exhaustion and endurance. Thankfully my boss let me take one day off to prepare to move. I needed every second of it and tried to fit in as much as I could, including dinner with the girls, a going away party at Adam and Janelle's (though I am sad that I missed the "peircing party" early that day), my and Jamie's impromtu babysitting job for my sister, cigar smoking on the porch, and hanging out with some Mr Moms. Since my last day of work was on Wednesday, Mel and Jamie moved in Sat and Laura and I were scheduled to head out Tuesday, there was much to do and many to say goodbye to. I tried to make it a point to spend some quality time with those closest to me, but sadly, I found the list long and the days short. Regrettfully, I know there were some I missed. I do apologize if anyone felt slighted, it was not intentional.

I had plans of snapping picts to post of all my pre-move festivities, but rarely remembered my camera. Here are a few that I actually had some for thought!

Girls night out

Me with Emma, Mya, Noelle and Kayla at Panera

For those of you reading in PA- I miss you already!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

The House

While these picts don't do any justice, there was a lot of blood sweat and tears shed by a handful of people to get it ready for me to leave. (I know that a lot of you have never seen the house so you really have nothing to compare it too). Most of the upstairs got at least a new coat of paint, with the bathroom getting the brunt of the work. I'm only going post picts of the upstairs now (need to start unpacking) but will post more later.
Before and After

Technically there are three bedrooms in the house, although you have to walk through one to get to the bathroom. I have been sleeping in the spare room since I arrived in PA back in April. It's cooler and quieter. The front bedroom got a new ceiling, crown molding, new lighting, and lots of new paint, while the spare room only got paint.



Spare Room (in the midst of packing, with some help from Sid)

The "office" (the third bedroom on the way to the bathroom while the bathroom remodel was in full swing)


Thursday, November 8, 2007

We made it!

Just a quick note to let you all know that Laura and I made it safely to the West Coast, arriving around 730 (cali time) this evening. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Picts and updates from the trip, not to mention the last crazy month to come soon!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


It's official- I have a job!!!! I called Jan, the director of critical care at San Antonio on Tuesday morning (before she would answer, so I could state my case for coming back with out being immediately shot down). They aren't using travelers right now, but I was hoping that if I called and talked to them myself they would make an exception.

Jan called me back this afternoon, right as I was getting ready to leave for work. I saw the number on the phone and almost didn't answer, fearing rejection. Reluctantly I answered, bracing myself for the worst.

Jan explained that staffing was much better then it had been, they had just hired a ton of new people and had done away with travelers. She also said that they really wanted me to come back and that she had been talking about me over the weekend, commenting about what a coincidence it was that I called (I think not). But because they weren't really looking for anyone, she had to get it approved by the higher ups- that's why it took a few days for her to call back.

She must have reasoned well, because they decided to make an exception to their "no traveler" rule! What a relief! I have a job!!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

House Update

This past week there has been a flurry of activity; random people coming at random times to do random things at random places in the house. Packing has come to a complete stand-still but I'm beginning to see signs that all the construction madness does have an end!

This is what has changed since last week:
-The drywall is half "finished" and the crown molding is up in the front bedroom
-The drop ceiling in the bathroom is completely gone, along with the fluorescent light
-The sink vanity is gone (by gone I mean in the office)
-The ledge is up around the ceiling and 2x4s are in place to hang drywall today (in the bathroom)
-The shower walls have been cut back and the trim is on

I am excited about the progress, even inspite of the tools, mess, things out of place (the new bathroom sink is in the living room in front of the fireplace!) and my inability to pack. Those who have lived the bathroom saga with me will certainly understand the excitement. To those who haven't- well lets just say it's been a 4year project that at one point involved me making a shower out of shower liners and a staple gun:-) I think I may have an unveiling party for the bathroom when it's all said and done!

I do have picts chronicling the process but have no way to easily upload them right now.... soon I promise!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Truck stop coffee

At work tonight we were out of coffee, so on the verge of a caffeine headache, I went to the vending machine to get some. Vending machine coffee isn't my favorite by any means but while it was "brewing" the smell brought back a memory (don't that say that smell is the sense that is most likely to trigger memories?).

Anyway while I was standing there wearily, anxiously awaiting the piping hot paper cup of instant energy, I was transported (in my mind), to a random gas station we must have stopped in on the cross country trip. For some reason no coffee tastes as good to me as the coffee you get on a road trip regardless of whether it's from a gas station, truck stop or a continental breakfast. It's especially tasty after hours of sitting in car when your back hurts and your brain is a little fuzzy when you know that that little cup of Java is the magic potion that will get you a couple hours closer to your destination.

Something in me was instantly excited to jump in the car next month and head west, reminding me of how much I love road trips to Cali. It's not just the coffee or sleeping in hotels (I love sleeping in hotels- seriously. By this stage in the game I can give you a list of "must stays" and "don't even think about stayings") but also the anticipation of the unexpected things to come. While I'm going to my parents house, where everything is very familiar, each time I return to So. Cal. it's like going somewhere for the first time- again. I expect this time will be the same.

Needless to say my vending machine coffee hit the spot!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Rare Finds

While packing up some stuff today I came across a number of unexpected and entertaining things.

-My very first drivers license
-My high school diploma
-My high school senior pictures
-A $20 I left in the wallet I used over three years ago (this one brought the biggest smile to my face!)

I'm sure there is plenty more "memorabilia" waiting to be found!

Sunday, September 30, 2007


If I was going to be honest I would have to say that last week was a bit rough. Not so much in terms of anything that physically happened, but emotionally. While I have tried to remain cool, calm and collected about not having a job, wondering how I'm going to pay the bills, working on getting the house ready to rent and picking up and moving again; the addition of some key ingredients namely exhaustion, illness and some hormones, caused all my uncertainty and anxiety came bubbling up and out. It wasn't pretty, normal maybe, but definitely not pretty. The total truth is that being unsettled as I have been for the past 2years, really does begin to wear on you- emotionally, relationally and spiritually. While I am planning on going back to Cali, this time indefinitely, I have been rerunning the same thoughts and questions in my head "where 'should' I be? What if I make a wrong decision? Have I gone to far in the renting process to change my mind? Am I physically able to get all my things packed and moved and all the improvements done so that it is rentable? Are all these improvements going to put me further in debt and further from school? If I rent my house, will I ever come back? What is there for me in Cali and what is left for me here? What if there are no jobs for me? Will I need to get a permanent position? can I afford a permanent position? Will I be able to go back to school if I take a permanent position? etc etc etc" These are the questions that spin around and around until I am a dizzy confused mess, like someone who's been blind folded, spun 30times and left in the woods to find her way out. This is how I felt wednesday when I sat where I'm sitting now, exhausted, crying, frustrated, sick (I had the flu- yuck!) and in need of some answers, or at least assurance.

The person quoted as saying "no use crying over spilled milk" obviously has never done it- because sometimes, once you figure out what you're really crying over, a good cry is all it takes to clear your thoughts and let you think reasonably again. I wouldn't say that I got any answers (still no job). But a sweet friend Lori unselfishly reminded me to walk toward what I originally felt I was called to (school) unless I was specifically unquestionably called to something else (example- don't give up on school to get married when there isn't even any man in the picture) just because I may not "feel" like it (example- if you want to lose weight you have to go to the gym regardless if you "feel" like it), and with that reminder came the confidence that I had somehow lost.

So this weekend I moved everything from both bedrooms and the bathroom into the office. Hung drywall on the ceiling of the master bedroom (okay Dwayne Lapp hung it, but I could have done it.... or not), painted the spare room- trim and all (lovely shade of green or grey or greyish green.... depends the time of day i guess, but trust me when I say it looks good), got the bathroom ready to be started tomorrow and now officially have signed a lease with Mel and Jamie all while having the flu.

I am going to bed to sleep for a very, very very long time:-)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Wow! I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted. Where does time go? And more importantly, how is that so much time has passed and I feel I have nothing but a growing "to do" list to show for it? I have been thinking about what to blog. Sometimes while trying to fall asleep, I think "I need to blog" and proceed to "plan" a blog post. The topics vary from things like my love of hats, stories about patients, time spent with my nieces, what being single and (almost) 30 in Lancaster county really feels like, and how the show America's Next Top Model always makes me think "what if." Though these (thankfully) never made it to the blog they all were wickedly humerus and very insightful in my mind (bear in mind, I was falling asleep).

The last couple of weeks have been chaotic but not extremely exciting. Sure there have been things like the beach with the Randolphs, random happenings with friends, a birthday here and there (Happy 30th Lena!) but my life has a rhytm to it. Work, clean, pack, go to the gym..... that seems to be my steady existence these days. Each area seems to have some "drama" that you may find note worthy.

Work- I extended my contract until mid Oct. (Oct 20th to be exact) and plan on extending it through the first week of November. This is the latest I can extend. There is some comfort in extending a month beyond what I originally signed for. First, it gives me more time to pack up this place I call home. Second it gives me more time to get everything done that needs to be done... i.e the infamous bathroom (Work starts the first week of Oct, YIPPPEEE) not to mention the mass amount painting still left to do. It also gives me two extra pay checks with which I can pay for the above mentioned work. Sadly I realize that as soon as all this work is done, I'll be leaving and won't be here to enjoy it. As far as Cali jobs go, I have none. Actually, as far as a job anywhere, I have none. For most people this would cause a fair amount of anxiety. I'm not gonna lie, some days it does. But I have come to realize that life has a way of unfolding itself, and my anxiety, though justified to some, doesn't change it. I am very confident that there is a job for me somewhere even though it seems like I won't find out where until the last minute. I've always said I like surprises.... this is just a test:-)

The House- Have you ever been overwhelmed by a huge task that you can't seem to find the motivation to do it simply because trying to decide where to start is exhausting?? That is how life on New St feels these days. Each day I think of all I have to do in the next month. I think so hard, that thinking is all I ever get done. The conversation with myself usually goes like this.... "Okay, I need to clean out the car, and take the stuff to goodwill, but there is that stuff in the kitchen that needs to go too, wait where in the kitchen is that stuff? I should pack up the kitchen, so I can find everything I want to take. But if I pack up the kitchen what plates, silverware etc will I use. I could use paper products but what happens if i run out before work and can't go get any. Better not pack the kitchen up yet" That's just a sample of the long conversation myself and I had today.... the outcome- the kitchen is packed minus two plates, two cups and some silverware (and pots and pans), but the car isn't cleaned out and the goodwill merchandise is still here.

The cleaning/packing war is complicated by the "my house is a construction zone" aspect. The master bedroom is ready to be drywalled and the bathroom needs to be cleaned out and ready for its face lift, so nothing is where it should be anyway. I found myself grumbling today about how much work moving is, even if its just to the attic. I now understand why people buy a house and grow old in it.

The gym- you may be thinking "really?? drama at the gym?" more like trainer trauma. Nick was my trainer in July. I was to call him when I got back from vacation. I did and he never returned my calls. So I signed up to see Tyrone again. (Tyrone was the trainer that chatted with me for an hour and a half instead of working out with me) I figured I would just need to "redirect" him if he got too chatty. We had out first session last week. He kicked my butt (probably because of a sassy comment I made doubting his ability to work me hard enough to drop 15lbs before I leave). We were set to work out twice this week. Tuesday I got a phone call saying he was going to be out for two weeks. I think I'm cursed!! I'm just not meant to train in the state of PA!! I ran into Tyrone tonight at the gym and he explained the situation. I'm not going to pretend that I understood what he said, but it had to do with certification of some sort and him taking a class.

While there are other things I could post, like my gym crush coming full circle or the car accident I was in this weekend (just rear ended, everyone is fine- but my car will be getting its third rear bumper) or Sheli breaking her leg in three places and needing surgery, I'm going to close here. It's late and I have a full day of thinking about cleaning and packing without actually doing it planned tomorrow!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Back to Reality

Last night was my first night back to work making the reality that vacation was indeed over more real. It occurred to me last night that I have only 6weeks left of my contract at LGH. Almost momentarily came the crushing awareness of all that needs to be done before I head west for the winter and the realization that I am still jobless as of Oct 6th. While I don't feel that finding a job will be difficult ( I spoke to the Director at San Antonio- my cali hosp. who said in no uncertain terms they want me back, but don't know if they'll need me when I'm ready to be there.) I know there are plenty of jobs in Cali, but that they may just involve more then the 3block commute I enjoy now.

Melanie and Jamie are set to move in to the house indefinitely in Nov. I am sooooo grateful to be leaving the house in their very generous and capable hands. It's just that I have procrastinated getting the house painted and the bathroom done (really is that any surprise to any of you who know me well?) and now I need to add packing up the entire house and moving it to the attic to the list... YIKES!!!! (this would be a good time to mention that before I left for vacation I signed up for a lot of overtime again... I AM a glutton for punishment) The good thing is that I can take a week or two after my contract to tie up loose ends before packing up the Uhaul (I'll be taking my bedroom with me this time) and hitting the road.

If you think of me please pray for endless energy and motivation, I don't foresee a lot of sleep in my future!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

UTOPIAN LOVE STORY II and other Cali Anecdotes

Alright- first things first. I'm home. I arrived back in Lancaster at about 1pm. This trip, although it did involve a delay, was much smoother then the trip getting out there (but really- could it have gotten much worse- I think not!!!!!!).

I do have a funny anecdote for all you ladies who feel like the years are ganging up on you.

At the Quince reception Saturday night long after the dancing had started, I noticed a young 20 something dancing with a 6year old. They were being goofy, he was swinging her around and flipping her every direction. I had seen this guy earlier at Maribel's for appetizers and cocktails so I knew he was family. He and the little girl were very entertaining to watch. I had been foregoing dancing because I was helping my pregnant friend Debbie chase her very energetic sons jade(4yrs) and Nicholas(2years) around. I was swinging Nicholas around as we walked across the dance floor on our way back to Debbie when we were intercepted by the young man and little girl. He introduced himself as Adam and asked if Nicholas and I would like to dance with them. I said sure, when conveniently the little girl, ( I later learned was named Zoe) said "I don't want to dance anymore" so Nicholas, Adam and I were left. When again conveniently, Debbie came and got Nicholas. Adam asked if I wanted to dance, I agreed and we began dancing. After a quick conversation I find out that he is 24, and is Joey's (Maribel's husband) cousin.

For the rest of the evening it was like white on rice friends. I stopped dancing and sat down he followed. I went to get a drink, so did he. I went to the bathroom, he waited. This lasted until about 11pm when could no longer take it and decided to leave. I said thank you for dancing and told him I needed to go pack. He asked if he could have my number. Not really wanting to give it out I decided to pull the age thing and said " you understand I'm 30?" (for those of you keeping track, I turn thirty in 5months) To which he responded "WOW, You look good for being THAT OLD!!!!!!!!!" "Its really not that old" I said.... Mission Accomplished!!!!!!!!

UTOPIAN LOVE STORY II (alternately entitle Fill in the blank CORN_____)

FLAKE! I have to admit this is hard for me to write, simply because my pride is huge.... but here goes.
I spoke with David on Saturday afternoon while en route to Maribel's. I was calling to say thank, knew he was working and was hoping to leave a voice mail. When he answered the phone, I was near speechless. Long story short- we made plans to go out for another glass of wine Sunday evening before I had to head to the airport. We talked about a time and decided that he would call me sometime on Sunday to make arrangements (he was going to be in San Pedro and would be driving back) I was sooooo incredibly nervous that I can't even really remember how the conversation went- but I do know that he was equally as excited about us getting together again so much so that he was going to find out if the place we went to Friday was open and pick a new place if it wasn't.
Sunday rolls around and I have this knot in the pit of my stomach thinking it's not going to work out (I usually get those, I think it's a subconscious way of not getting to excited). when at 4pm he hadn't called I knew that it was a no go (and I refused to call him!), by 7pm he hadn't called, by 9pm when I'm on the way to the airport- still no call. He FLAKED!!!!!
As sad as that is (and believe me, I was sad- and more then a bit confused) the worst part is, I love the his haircuts and totally plan on going back to him.... can you say AWKWARD!!!!!! In an effort to smooth over any tension that may occur when I walk in there next (believe me, I don't want any bad feelings between me and person taking scissors to my head!) I sent a text saying No sweat, that I'd see him in Oct for a haircut.
And that truly is the END of my UTOPIAN LOVE STORY.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Uno, Dos.....Quince

Ana, Maribel, Josie, me and Jody
Today was the Quincenera of my good friend Maribels daughter. For those who are unfamiliar with a Quince, it's the Mexican version of a "Sweet Sixteen" only it happens at the age of 15 and involves a church service. This happened to be my first Quince and the last big shin dig of my stay here. I certainly was not prepared for all the festivities of the day.

The church service began at 12noon. It is Catholic and almost entirely in Spanish. The service basically in essence is a commitment ceremony for the girl and her parents, consecrating herself in womanhood to the church (or at least that is what I gathered from what little Spanish I understand). The ceremony mimics that of a wedding, complete with attendants, both male and female. The service lasted about an hour. Following the service the "court" (the official name), hop in a limo to go take pictures and in this case, return to the parents house for snacks and drinks with the rest of the extended family and a few guests.

The reception (again, much like a wedding reception) started at 5pm. So around 400, the court jump back into the limo and cruise around arriving slightly late in order to make an entrance in front of the 200+ guests. A full course dinner is served around 6pm followed by a presentation by the "princess and her court" which involves traditional dances and "the passing on of youth" to a younger sister or cousin. After the presentation, the Father of the "princess" gives a toast and the cake (again, exactly like a wedding cake) is cut.

After the formal presentation is done, the real party starts. This Quince had a live band that alternated with the DJ that was also there. There is every type of music and dancing- Salsa, Meringue, ragatone, hip-hop, banda, instrumental....etc. You get the point. The dancing lasts into the wee hours of the morning. I called in quits at 1130pm, while my friend Maribel and her daughter Franceska were still tearing up the floor- After all, I need to do laundry so I can get all my stuff (which seems to have grown enormously) packed. I still have one crazy full day before I hop on the plane tomorrow night.

*stay tuned for part two of UTOPIAN LOVE STORY.........

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hair Today- Gone Tomorrow

(Alternately titled Utopian Love Story)

Picts of the new do'

I had wanted to go to the beach today. That was my original plan. One of my goals for the trip was to get my haircut. I usually drive to Long Beach (an hour away without traffic- there is ALWAYS traffic here). But the price of gas as well as the price of haircuts (not to mention color) has risen while my budget has shrunk. My sister gave me the name of the guy that cuts her hair. I tried to make an appointment in the beginning of the week but unfortunately he was booked- bummer! They did put me on the cancellation list- in the slight chance he had and opening. Amazingly, David called Wednesday with an opening today at 1:30pm. Although I was sad the my beach plans were squelched, I was excited that I would be getting a new Cali do.

I arrived at Utopia (the salon) slightly early not knowing what to expect. David wasn't there yet. The salon was this trendy place purple walls, brushed metal fixtures and mirrors, flat screen panels on the walls, and independent art work scattered about. I was greeted by a tall thin girl, with bright pink chunky hair, sitting behind a chest high desk. I knew that this was a full service salon, so as I expected, the receptionist asked if I wanted a drink. I declined and waited for David. David arrived shortly after me. In his 30's, he is slight shorter then I, with a shaved head (wearing a hat) and a gotee. He had tattoos on both arms and a very warm smile. He took me to his station, and we discussed how I wanted my hair cut and colored. He obviously new what he was doing, telling me that he thought putting in low lights was better then highlights and giving his opinion on hair length. He began doing my hair and we talked about everything under the sun, from travels, to family, to music...etc. He gave me a tour of the adjoining spa, including showing me the art work he had just bought for his house.

While he was cutting, we began talking about wine tasting (if you know me well, you know that I am a wine fan, and enjoy wine tasting). He told me about a new place down the street, stating that if he didn't already have a client he would go with me when my hair was finished- but unfortunately he did. "Nice gesture" I thought "but I was already going to give you a big tip anyway, no need to act like you were going to ask me out." While he was blow drying my hair, he began looking around. Soon he was obviously looking to the front of the shop, and checking his phone. I apologized for taking so long, knowing that we were running late because we had spent most of the time talking. "No" he said, "my next client is never late, and she not here. It's almost worrisome."

When my haircut ended, he walked me to the front of the shop, I payed and was ready to leave when he said "Let me sweep up and lets go have a glass of wine." I made some comment about drunk haircutting being the next extreme sport and we were off. The place was only about half a block away and was empty when we got there (by now it was 3:30pm). I ordered (he payed) and went to a cozy little table in the corner. We talked and laughed like we had been friends since childhood (believe it or not I DO get extremely nervous on "dates" so that is amazing). Before long it was 5pm, and time for his next appointment. After a discussion about wanting his next client to cancel so we could continue hanging out, he called the shop to find out that they weren't there yet. Our excitement was only short lived because they called him back almost immediately to say that she had just arrived. We walked back to the salon, said goodbye, gave a quick hug and went our separate ways.

That is the end of my Uptopian Love Story:-(

Needless to say, i can't wait to get my haircut again.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Working Hard or Hardly Working??

Monday before leaving for the beach we helped April move into her classroom. Here are April and Sheli flexing their big guns.

Shortly into the move an argument started. The point of contention being whether or not Sheli was really taller then April. The only way to be fair about it was to take a picture of them standing back to back. April and I were right, Sheli is taller. April is 5'8" 3/4 while sheli is 5'9" 1/2. With all the height I could muster, at 5'3" 3/4 you still only be able to see my forehead if I were in the picture too!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ahhhhhh the beach........

We just got back from a two day beach holiday. Filled with sand, surf and a lot of sun. We body surfed, boogie boarded and got "saved" several times by a few over zealous lifeguards. True Story- Sheli and I were out on the boogie boards. The water was rough and choppy (west coast waves are huge in comparison). There was even talk of a rip tide. We were laughing and having a grand time when a life guard swims to us and tells us to grab on to the "can" with one hand and he'll pull us in. A bit confused, we

look at each other. The life guard suddenly gets an embarrassed look on his face and
says "Or you can put your feet down and walk to shore." We laughed so hard as he walked back to the beach, while we continued standing in the chest high water.
I did have a bit of an accident though (no life guard in sight then). The water had gotten a lot more choppy and the waves were coming in right on top of each other. Boogie board in hand (or rather attached to my hand) I came up for air, and then dove to avoid another wave. The unfortunate part is that I didn't have a good enough grip on my board. It got ripped one way and I the other, pulling my arm in directions it was never intended to go. While under water I felt it pop. When I was finally able to get to my feet, boogie board still attached at the wrist, I could barely move my arm and was in a lot of pain. We got out of the water and sat for awhile. I can use my arm now, but it still hurts to lift it over my head. After that debacle, we ditched the boards and body surfed instead (I figured the water was cold enough to act like ice and at least numb it).
To answer Julie's question- Yep it is always "hopping" here. It's a weird sorta feel here. Everyone is doing something, passionate about something, but it's really laid back too and definitely always a good time:-)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Birthdays. Weddings and shopping- oh my!


My vacation has been a whirl wind since I got my luggage saturday night. I woke up early on satuday despite my previous lack of sleep and utter exhaustion (darn time change and jet lag). My plans for the day were pretty low key. It was April's 31st birthday. She wanted to move her things back into her classroom (she is a high school english teacher) in the morning and then we were going out to hear a band play that night. When we got to the school we found the janitors waxing her building. She wouldn't be able to move in until Monday. That was just fine with me- I'm not really into manual labor on vacation- April, on the other hand, was quite frustrated. What better way to soothe some irritation on your birthday then with some RETAIL THERAPY? Am I right ladies?

We unloaded the things that couldn't stay in the car and hit the mall with a vengance (actually it was more like Target, Ulta- i love makeup and accessories, Kohls, a short stop for a pedicure and then the mall). After uloading any unwanted (and wanted) cash I had laying around it was time to go home and get ready for our evening out.

We set out for La Habra (30 minute drive) and arrived fashionalby late at a sports bar where some of April's friends play in a band. There were about 20 people there to celebrate. I had unfortunately forgotten my ID, couldn't get in and had to drive back to get it..... ooops. The night was fun, but ended much later then either of us anticipated, not to mention that we picked up another person to take home- Crazy Lilly... the name says it all.

Sunday also proved to be busy. After church we had Aprils birthday meal- taco's and ice box cake.... mmmmmmm. Then headed back to Ulta (okay- I can justify this. I didn't get all that I needed, including Aprils b-day gift. They are having major sales and free gifts that started yesterday so to maximize our free gift potential we went twice) I took a quick nap at home and before I new it, it was time to get ready for the wedding (actually past time to get ready I had to skip a shower).
Lil' Sarah is one of my closest friends out here ( I say little because she barely stand 5foot tall). She and Brian have been together for 6years. Of course we met at work where she was an extern and is now an RN. Their wedding was outside at a country club and had a tahitian theme. It was beautiful! I have never been a fan of light colored tux's but I must say, they may have changed my mind! I got to see a few people from work and had a good time. The sad part about out of town weddings is (besides feeling oddly envious) is that you don't get to spend anytime with the friend getting married. This struck me as I ran to give Sarah a hug and realized that I would be gone when she got back form her honeymoon. I left just as the dancing was starting (you know I'm tired when I don't stay for the dancing!) to head into work to see some people.

Specifically- I needed to see Maribel. She is another reason for this vacation (more like and excuse). Her daughter Franceska is turnign 15 and is having a Qunicenera. My invite got lost in the mail (seriously- not just an excuse. I know this because I got a call asking why I hadn't responded yet). The big shin dig is next Saturday evening and I needed directions. Before comign to Cali, I had heard of Qunice's but never knew the amount of time and money that went into them. They cost as much as a wedding and need just as much, if not more planning! It was fun to see people that I worked with. I had to answer the same question over and over. "When are you coming back?" To which I answered "I don't know." I am hoping have a real answer to that question soon!

Today and tomorrows plans are simple. BEACH. April's friend Lourdes has a house on the beach. After loading her room, April and I are heading down there for some bike riding, body surfing and sun soaking. This white girl needs a tan.... I glow! Sheli will be meeting us this evening for our little getaway.